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Athana dos Santos

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Posts posted by Athana dos Santos

  1. This whole site and the people using it is considered a mortal sin by the Catholic church. We're showing it disrespect just by being here and I for one am o.k with that.


    First of all, I'll quote mm99, because why are some people here concerned about some pictures taken from me dressed as a nun? It shocks your "religious" eyes? wow!!


    How many here are hiding from their wifes and/or bosses looking at this site? or cheating on them? Isn't that disrepect to the 10 commandments? So?!...


    Many, and I mean many men/clients have a fetish for this, so I'm just catering to this fetish! Anything bad in this?

    It's not like I'm going to show up in church this Sunday dressed like that!


    Think about like if we would be Hollywood actors in a Nun role... not much more than that!


    Ladies, in the eyes of the church we are sinners and we will go to hell... so please spare me the "disrespect" word.


    In a few words: It's just a Roleplay that some gentlemen like and a part of this "business"... who am I to refuse "business"?


    May God bless you all... sinners!! ;-P


    Athana xoxox


    PS: Thank you (you know who you are) for pointing out this thread, I had completely missed it... too busy "confessing"! hahaha (joke)


    Additional Comments:

    I'm not religous either. But the pics caught me off gaurd as well. But I found myself looking at them and feeling a little guilty.

    Gotta give her credit for trying something different and attention grabbing.

    Posted via Mobile Device


    Voila... it's not so complicated to understand!

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  2. K very naive here but....how do you learn to administer a prostate massage?


    First off, you must be confortable in doing it. If the thought of doing it grosses you out, just don't.


    Second, while doing it, you must be gentle or you might hurt your partner.


    Third, lots of practice my dear. :fes:

  3. I love long hair on women. I find it feminin, sexy and sensual.


    Long blond wavy hair is very sexy and wild, love it!


    Long dark straight hair is elegant and classy.


    My natural color is light redish brown hair but since a few years, I became a blonde.


    Lately I prefer to have 2 colors: brown and blonde. A girl has to change once in a while, lollll.


    About 2 years ago, I went back to my original color but soon came back to blonde.


    I love long blonde hair and I defenetly feel more sexy with it.


    In my opinion, any color of hair is nice, it all depends on your attitude


    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Beijinhos :boobies:

  4. Ladies and Gents;


    What really (and I mean really) pisses me off is a gentleman (to be polite...) gives you his phone number (which I ALWAYS ask if he wants an appointment with me), you call back to confirm the number, he answers and then comes the time of the appointment and NO SHOW'S... you call back the number and no answer or says he doesn't know who I am!!


    I would say to some of them... grow up and be a man, not a jerk making the ladies loose their time and $$$!


    And Montreal isn't any better in No Show's or jerks!

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