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Everything posted by 204rnguy

  1. went to the place with a location on Sargent. Got a massage from a taller Asian women, good massage, but not teasing and left frustrated. Did not catch her name, I guessing people have seen another one of the women.
  2. im not sure how much i can say on here with out getting people in trouble.
  3. Has anyone else noticed a change for the better at south point in terms of there finish?
  4. I visited the other day and midway through her massage her daughter came home and I could hear her talking on the phone. I found that distracting from the experience. Given that it is run out of her home I have tried to book appointments on week days with the assumption that no one else would be home. Apparently that is the wrong assumption to make.
  5. I have been there a few times and have always had a great massage.
  6. This is the only massagist that I have gone too so I was not sure what to tip. I dont want to insult her by not tipping according to some standard. Please pm.
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