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Posts posted by Midnite-Energies

  1. No means no, role reversal or not. The problem comes into play that because of the way things are, there are those (women) that believe if they do it, it's not assault but if a man does, most definitely. If a man had tried this and the woman stopped the situation and he allowed it, she could still report him and he would be charged; perhaps to a lesser degree due to eventually stopping, who's to say. Not knowing the flavor of law at the moment, but from past conversations, a man reporting this situation would be treated as crazy or a trouble maker. The strength, size or gender should not play a role in the situation. Look at all the other things that are popping up in regards to protecting the rights of gender fluid, non gender, gay, women etc. There is no sway here so why should there be in assault matters. Most Caucasian men fall through the cracks on just about any topic unless it's a straight male on male issue. I recently had to deal with a male friend being assaulted by a woman and it was played off as she was provoked (which was truth only in she provoked herself) but had the roles been reversed, it would have been played as complete and utter assault all the way. He's been shamed for reporting it. The world still has a long way to go on many issues and one is respect of EVERYONE, no matter their circumstances. Bottom line, we are all human on the inside not matter how we are shaped on the outside.


    I'm sorry you were put in this position but even more sorry you have to ask the question of "was it?" This is at least a good forum as most of us have the right view from all the stigma we deal with regularly. If this was a "regular" forum, who knows what type of replies you would have received.

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  2. 19 hours ago, peacectryguy said:

    . We would have to use lubes which I sometimes find I have to be careful with because some of them gave me a burning sensation. That could be a turn off for me and make it difficult to maintain an erection.

    First peacectryguy, it sounds like you have a sensitivity to ingredients in lube (not that it's an issue with your ex now and ex but for future reference). I highly recommend sliquid whenever you might need some (always good to have your own) especially the organic as they have very few additives and are good for those with sensitivities.


    As to your question Meaghan, I've seen and heard a lot. I've seen the selfish angles where the women have no interest for whatever reason and just expect their partner to "shut themselves" down which is not fair to either party as it will eventually impact happiness and the enjoyment of the marriage when resentments build up. I've also seen disinterest in the partner based on nothing more then "we've been together so long". Stepping out of comfort zones to explore, communicate and share is not an option with some of these folks for whatever reason. Then there are those who try and are met with resistance and I find when this happens, it's lack of communication, assumptions and ego that get in the way. Then there are those who are together for nothing more than obligation (long term, kids, support etc). Have to be honest and say some people just don't jive no matter what takes place. Sex has been made to be a "bad" thing. Something naughty or dirty or that shouldn't be enjoyed or a sin or whatever when it should be embraced as a normal and wonderful human experience to be enjoyed and celebrated. Add to this all our natural human inclinations towards fear based emotions and not wanting to communicate openly, honestly and vulnerably, we're in a right mess.

    I think everyone wants intimacy and connection and most have no idea how to get it, not in an honest, healthy way. It takes two to tango and both people have to be involved equally in the communication. Small baby steps are better than none but they have to be taken. So much to this topic and tonnes of different examples of lack and dysfunction. It's not easy, it IS work but it IS worth it. We are all broken in some way from something, it's scary to be vulnerable and put yourself out there in an honest way.


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  3. I'm a whole pile of positive energy wrapped up in a naughty smile,

    a dirty giggle and worship skills to leave you drained and smiling.

    Available Monday, Wednesday and Thursday next week to relieve your stress and revitalize you for the rest of the week or weekend.


    Don't forget to drop by my blog and see what's "up"


    Please Note: I am not meeting new people at this point in time. Please see my website for all details

  4. I never wear a bra at home, only when I go out and even that depends on what I'm doing and where I'm going. It's been proven that going braless is actually better for your breasts and tissues.


    I love the feel of them when free and it also allows me to cup and grope them on occasion when the mood strikes which is also great for anyone who happens to be around too *rawr*

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  5. ...of soft cherry lips, strawberry skin and of the pleasure both can elicit.


    Available Tuesday - Friday this week before the Magic Palace gets dismantled

    to evolve into Magic 2.0 for those wonderful friends I've already met and enjoyed.




    See my website for details or drop by my blog for a little extra titillation!



  6. It really is all a subjective thing. I've been doing this now for a few years and have a rate point that is considered different. I have been judged a number of times on this for a number of different reasons entirely based on my rate. I've also had to stand up for myself when the conversation turned to lower rate = lower class or substandard service. As has been said, ladies charge the rate they want for a variety of personal reasons one of which is sometimes because they can. It's their business and their right.


    I DO believe that it shouldn't be a judgment point in the bigger scheme of research. If a lady is established, has recommendations, social media or website, interactions and favorable communications, why judge based on the most subjective of points. A rate should simply be "do I wish to pay that or not" and that takes in both high and lower points.


    Protect yourself and enjoy your pleasures. Don't over complicate.

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  7. Put a little boom boom in with your vroom vroom! Who says you can't have some fun with your pleasure?




    Welcome to WOW - Week of Worship - I tease & please & lighten your load in the most delicious way.


    Available Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week.

    Only 7 days left for June and until my limited availability kicks in for July & August.


    Hope to enjoy you soon.... *rawr*

  8. because what's life without a little enjoyment. I'm sure you deserve some, don't you?




    Available Wednesday/Thursday this week for your pleasure. As Mae West said,

    "Come up and see me sometime". Only 10 days left to meet if we haven't.


    Check out my website or blog. You never know what you might find...

  9. Not that it matters because they're ALL creamy deliciousness and satisfy my cravings!


    Available this week Thursday & Friday to sate both my needs and yours. Taste the Rainbow!




    Only 15 days left to meet and enjoy new friends and before my limited summer availability kicks in. Many licks left to give!


    See my website for more or check out my blog for extra stimulation!

  10. I've always said age is just a number and I've enjoyed all my years in existence so am proud of my age and don't lie about it. This industry is highly subjective and personal and in some ways "age is just a number" however in this case, it's a number you are judged on. Just as breast size, dress size and other standards are judged. Mind you, when it comes to that, what you see as a number and what you see in person can be very different so I tend to lean to "an honest picture is worth a thousand words".


    Each lady has in mind the type of person she wants to spend her time with whether it's older, younger, vanilla, kinky, new, seasoned, geeky or refined and each of those things has it's own set of standards for location, wardrobe, interactions etc. I can see why someone would lie about a number that's highly subjective yet will draw her specific interests to her. To each their own. While I personally don't do it, I would never tell someone else they can or can't. I may make a suggestion to those who are highly exaggerating about something especially as I believe each person is amazing in their own ways and those who don't see this can be draining especially in this industry.


    Most of this again falls to the individual to do their research, ask questions, multiple sources and MOST importantly, determine what is personally acceptable to them. To some lying in any capacity is a turn off. To some within a few years or inches is okay, some don't care because it's all about the personality.

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