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Posts posted by RoddyThomas

  1. I have never met a pussy I didn't like. I am unaware of a standard by which all pussies are judged. I would venture to say this is one area men compete with women insecurity wise. Our privates. Like your vagina, ours has many names. We must also keep it fresh ad washed. Is it big enough? Is it thick enough? Is the head too bulbous? It is too small or weird looking? How come I don't have a giant schlong like the porn start dudes? Then, after al of that, it has to rise up to meet the needs of the day.......


    P.S. Any guy who says his ex had a perfect pussy, is an insensitive pinhead. Just my opinion

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  2. I am sorry to hear about your situation. I had a relationship with a lovely girl that was everything to me. She was bright, sexy, and the sweetest human being I have ever met. She took ill, and after a 8 month battle passed on from C.M.L. (chronic myelogenous leukemia). After 6-7 months she wouldn't let me visit her anymore in the hospital. I had to yahoo messenger/phone communicate with her. She didn't want me to remember her as a sickly pale balding woman, but as the vivacious girl who would hide on me and tackle me, prompting a hysterical playfight. I am still angry about her not allowing me to visit her. My duty as I see it, as her man, was to be by her side. This was many years ago, and I still miss her everyday. I often say "goodnight" to her as I climb into bed. I hope that's not too weird...


    I do not know what illness is interfering with your relationship. I hope I am not overstepping to say forgive her. Illness can really change a person, and it is against their will. You asked does it get better. Yes. The sharpness of the pain subsides somewhat, but you will never forget....


    I wish you and your wife all the best and I hope you can be happy again.

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  3. I think as humans we hate awkwardness. We perceive silence as uncomfortable. I would ask off the wall questions. If you were a Super Hero, who would you be? When you order breakfast are you a bacon or sausage girl? What is the air speed/velocity of a sparrow? Have you ever passed out drunk behind the Old Munich beer gardens in Montreal and almost got run over by a garbage truck? Gerard Butler or Bradley Cooper? Hopefully the lady finds you amusing and not a simpleton as you want to be invited back....

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  4. I would think it comes down to what you are comfortable with. You are definitely not wrong wanting to be safe. It must be a difficult choice, as most men would prefer a bbbj so it would affect your bottom line. I respect your choice, playing it safe, and for me if the girl is sweet and sexy I wouldn't care if it was safe or not.

  5. This is a very emotional issue for me. I agree that we mistreat and disrespect our seniors, and veterans. It makes no sense to me. They are the ones who built this country, who's taxes and contributions are the foundation for our roads, hospitals schools etc. They deserve our thanks, gratitude and help. I always hold doors, reach items high up on shelves at grocery stores and do what I can to make them feel appreciated. My Mom is 77 and has early Alzheimer's. My hope is people will treat her the way I treat seniors I run into. Yes, they are a bit slower than they used to be. They drive slower, sometimes with their blinker on for blocks. They get confused at the cash sometimes. Their minds aren't quite as sharp as in their youth. Please be patient, for one day it will be you who needs a helping hand. (End of sermon)

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  6. Excellent question. I find it a hassle free way to spend sometime with a lady. I am single, and prefer it that way at the moment. I hope I don't sound overly negative, but I cannot stand the politics involved in relationships, especially when it comes to the bedroom. Selfishly, I can get what I want or like, without having to spend a Sunday at Micheal's or Ikea looking for a basket for the back of the toiler to put seashells in.....

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  7. I had breakfast at my favorite place, with a long time friend. The server there knows my order and always gives me a hard time. Feels like Cheers except its breakfast. Then stopped for gas, and an elderly lady was having difficulty with the pump. Still drives at 83 but her hands are too weak to handle the pump properly. I wasn't going to stop, but something made me. I pumped her gas, and walked into the Esso with her, holding the door. She was ahead of me in line, and told the cashier "I'm going to pay for that nice young man's gas as well as my own". I'm 48. I had only put $20 in, and protested, but she said that was the first time ever anyone had stopped to assist her.


    Now, I am not fishing for praise telling this story. It really feels good to help someone a little less able than yourself. I think you get more out of it than they do. Free gas was just the sprinkles on the cake!

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  8. In this day and age, I trust nobody with my personal information or money. I am a Chef by trade and every employee locks up their stuff (wallets, purses) at work. These are people you see and interact with daily. I have had a friends kid take money from my shorts when I was in the pool at the friends home. It isn't just money. Creditcard information, S.I.N number, birth certificate etc can be taken. If I was a regular with a lady, and a level of trust was established, I may act differently. Sps have their security rituals, as do I.

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  9. I don't think the thread was meant to be taken so seriously. We judge everything, everyone everyday. That is what humans do. Some people like fake blondes, some like redheads, some like jet black hair. Some men love DD cups, some like a nice firm B. I would think that in this business ladies are aware there is a level of judgement. Clients choose based on what they perceive as sexy. As far as judging hobbyists penises...BRING IT!!! That would be a riot. I highly doubt I would win, or finish last. Humans are judged everyday by everyone. It is natural selection, part of the human experience. Let's be respectful and pleasant with each other. I haven't seen pictures on CERB that aren't sexy!!!

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