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Posts posted by diver9500

  1. Went to see the wonderful Elissa tonight and wow, she's a triple threat! Beautiful, sexy, and talented. If you like petite then she's your lady. Her behind is stunning and her ladies are firm, natural and bigger than you'd expect for someone as slender and petite as she is. In terms of her abilities, she knows what she's doing. I only wish I would of seen her for longer because it was worth every minute and I'll be anxiously awaiting her return!


    She was in a good location at an upscale hotel and her room was clean and in order. She greeted and parted me at the door with a nice hug and kind words with her lovely accent.


    Do yourself a favour and go see her before she's gone and definitely see her if she returns!

  2. Met Licia a little over a week ago, this was the real one with the location in or around Timberlea, and I was pleased.


    She was nice, charming and easy to get along with. I didn't see any red flags.


    She's very petite, spinner type I would say, and incredibly attractive.


    I would definitely repeat and recommend her to anyone

  3. I'm a little slow adding to this, but I managed to see her a week ago yesterday. She was incredible! Her body is astonishing and is every bit as described by others and in her ads.


    I was running a few minutes behind, but she was VERY understanding and since it didn't interfere with any other appointment as I was her last for the day, everything worked out. I made sure to let her know where I was and approx how long and she was super appreciative.


    When I got there she was done up nicely and greeted me affectionately. Her attitude was great and she was easy to talk which made the conversation effortless.


    I won't get in to details but WOW!!! well worth it! Anyone looking at the ads and pictures and thinking they can't be real, guess again.

  4. I recently had dealings with Melanie, as some of you may be aware, these dealings resulted in a conflict between us. I'd like to take this time and opportunity to clear the air.


    Perhaps some of my actions weren't deplorable but at the time I thought they were justified. I realize now that I went about it in a wrong way. For that I am truly sorry and I'd like to compliment the actions and resolve of Melanie and her desire to resolve the situation to a satisfactory conclusion.


    In our conversations she was polite, respectful, and mature and I think anyone interested in seeing her would be absolutely captivated by those attributes, along with her amazing beauty and body! I've come to appreciate this upon reflection over the last couple of days.

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  5. The south shore, your hosed. There has been the occasional SP come out to Bridgewater but haven't seen anything in a while.


    As for the Valley, there are the occasional SP's posting but the last one I noticed was 2 weeks ago. Your best bet is to have a look here and BP when you're looking to book and keep fingers crossed.

  6. I would have to agree with the above post. It wouldn't hurt to let the SP know as a courtesy. Most reputable providers are very discreet and would never publicly shame you for utilizing their services.


    Besides, if you were interested enough to seek her services, talking to her about it may be the best way to make sure that happens. If you're both comfortable with it.

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