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Liv Waters

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Liv Waters

  1. Hi kingstondan,


    I noticed that no one has replied to your thread yet, so I thought I'd mention a couple things.


    I'd recommend feeling out communications with some ladies who have piqued your interest, and seeking out the company of those who come across as kind, patient, and comfortable with themselves. Age does not necessarily dictate these qualities. Be upfront that learning and gaining experience interests you. Once you find a compatible lady (or more than one lady), you may want to consider multiple engagements as that helps to build rapport and a comfort level with sharing over time.


    On this latter note, if you can swing it financially, I'd also reccomend opting for longer bookings (1.5/2hrs+) so you can both take your time....sharing in a bevvy or some sweet nibbles together and taking time for conversation and laughter can do amazing things in creating that spark.


    Having realistic expectations is key, as is being conscious to not put undue pressure on a companion to 'perform' unlocking the hidden secrets of the universe. Learning and mutual enjoyment is something that has to flow and come out of a sense of ease that both people participate in creating.


    Good luck in your search!

    • Like 1

  2. For the most part, the gentlemen who seek me out like the elegant and sophisticated look, and it is my general way of being anyway; that is, in terms of what I typically wear and how I portray myself in my photos.


    On the other hand, fantasy role-plays have their place, and on a handful of occasions (in recent history), I've done the schoolgirl look. I think it's the novelty and playfulness that these clients have enjoyed most when I've sported such an outfit upon request. Given I am in my 30s, I think it has made such Gents feel like things are staying within comfortable moral bounds while still getting a chance to explore the fantasy. Interestingly, I have even played Domme in a schoolgirl outfit, which is an interesting mind-bender for those who would assume the schoolgirl look is inherently submissive.


    Nicolette, you have me thinking that I should invest in a sexy cop outfit; sounds like fun ;-)

    • Like 2

  3. Because doctors hold the same prejudices about s ex work as anyone else.

    Yes, thank you Berlin!


    Historically, the medical profession has made an industry of producing expert knowledge based on ideas of sickliness and deviance and suffering, and sex workers, who have struggled for voice in having their experiences accounted for and counter narratives respected, have been a key group to be made subject to this paternalism. A reality that is very hard to change without destabilizing the basis of expert power accorded to medicine.

    • Like 4

  4. The things I value most in a client: kindness, respect, excellent hygiene, good communication. These things not only make me feel safe and respected, they set the stage for being turned on mentally and physically. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s; bring it on! Meow :-D


    And, to me, the aging body can be wonderfully sexy...it's how you live within your skin that counts.


    I'm planning on being an outrageously sexy old lady.

    • Like 7

  5. There is no doubt that it is a good thing for workers to have legal mechanisms and recourse when they have these experiences. It is concerning though how the language of the law and the way it is narrated in the media depersonalizes the violation that she experienced. That is, sexual assault versus 'failing to wear a condom'. Sounds more like a routine traffic infraction than violence against a person.


    That said, I feel pangs about how things could improve for workers here with decrim


    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hello Tom,


    I'm sure a number of local ladies cater to foot fetish and I am one of them. ...some of us advertise this openly but you may have to inquire with those you are potentially interested in to see if they like having their feet worshiped too :-)


    Good luck in your search!

    • Like 1

  7. Hi Jobe130,


    I agree, it is a difficult to find thing and a lady would definitely make it known if she currently offers it. If it is the act of adult nursing that you also love, you may want to consider seeking out dry nursing as it would be easier to find than, say, finding a lady comfortable with this who is also currently lactating.


    Just a thought. Good luck!

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