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Everything posted by kyserbunny

  1. I have a sig-other, and I'm wondering how many hobbyist are like me? I hope I'm not the only one getting POS Let me know if anyone else is in the same situation as me!
  2. Well. I'm looking for someone petite, in her mid twenties. Roughly the same age as me. Someone who is fun and doesn't make the experience awkward lol
  3. Hey guys! I'm completely new to this thing. Although excited at the same time. I've done a lot of research because of this site but I just don't know who to see! I would like to know if there a r e any recommendations for a first timer like me to break the ice! Don't be fooled by my username, I am a M. Please pm me with with any info/recommendations!
  4. Hi newbie here. just just wondering if if anyone has any knowledge of Cee Cee on BP? Please Pm me with your recommendations.
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