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Everything posted by menuisier

  1. I am fairly new, therefore haven't met many friends, but I did post a reco before and I always ask first if it's ok. I agree, it's always nice to read a beautiful review. On the other hand ppl should refrain from negative comments. If you have nothing nice to say, then dont say anything. Thanks
  2. Flower as been used quite a bit due to the delicate nature and sweet aroma. Frank Zappa wrote a song about the muffin man.
  3. Well done Emily. I hope nobody ever has to use this line, but if needed it's nice to have the name of a sergent that will listen and act upon the info to apprehend the culprit promptly.
  4. I agree the time starts at 4:00 and ends at 4:30. You must be prompt, time is important. Lost time cannot be recuperated, unless extended upon mutual agreement. Thanks
  5. I have done it quite a bit at cmj and was always able to extend, but it is more difficult at their events. Usually the standars rates applies, always be respecfull and you will get the results you seek.
  6. No wonder the easter bunny is so happy.
  7. Love to go there, always been treated like a king. Check out Sheilla, Layla and Maddison. All very talented. Thanks
  8. Thanks Summer, Looking forward to meet you and chat more about this.
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