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Posts posted by StarBright

  1. [B]Hello, I'm Kelsey[/B]!

    [I]Hope your day has gone great![/I]
    [I]Can I make it even better?!?[/I]

    [B]I'm a fun sized sweetheart![/B]

    I'm [B]very relaxed[/B], [B]sweet[/B] & [B]discrete[/B]!
    I'd love to have you [B]totally lost in desire[/B], my [B]young look[/B] & [B]petite body[/B]!

    [U][B]I'm a cutie with skills like no other![/B][/U]

    A truly [B]jaw droping[/B] & [B]toe curling[/B] experience!

    Rare visit in Mississauga


    [B]Text Kelsey â?» [U]647-697-5078[/U][/B]


  2. [B]Hello, I'm Kelsey[/B]!

    [I]Hope your day has gone great![/I]

    [I]Can I make it even better?!?[/I]

    [B]I'm a fun sized sweetheart![/B]

    I'm [B]very relaxed[/B], [B]sweet[/B] & [B]discrete[/B]!

    I'd love to have you [B]totally lost in desire[/B],
    my [B]young look[/B] & [B]petite body[/B]!

    A truly [B]jaw droping[/B] & [B]toe curling[/B] experience!


    [B]Text Kelsey â?» [U]647-697-5078[/U][/B]







  3. I had a hamster that stood out from all the other pets so much because she was sooo intelligent! i used to let her wonder around my room and when I called her by her name she listened. when she had to pee she would come bug me to put her in her cage to go to her little corner potty. she escaped a few times from her cage and I had to run around the house yelling for her so she would come out. damn thing was too smart I had to lock her cage up good. I even gave her my baby blanket, she loved to sleep on it.


    RIP. Tasha :(


    none of my other hamsters or bunnies were ever as smart as her! after she passed I got one that looked just like Tasha & named her Natasha. well she turned out to be an evil twin.... I ended up getting rid of her cause she was very mean and bite me everytime I tried to clean the cage or feed her.

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