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Honey Man

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Posts posted by Honey Man

  1. the more homework you do the better the chance you have of having whatever experience you seek. Make some friends on the boards. In reading the reviews try to find a few guys that have similar tastes to you and message them for more details about their encounters. Some will share others might not but its worth a try


    Always be clean and respectful with the ladies. Be upfront, open and honest about what you seek. If the first lady you talk to does not meet what your looking for try again. Keep trying until you find what you think your looking for and then book a meeting and find out if you where right. Over time you will get better at making your selections. However expect to be disappointed now and then and conversely expect to be surprised. :)

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  2. @honeyman ���� might apply to what you are talking about. Some things depend on an individual evaluation from person to person. If I'm right about what you are talking about??? It's too bad because sometimes it's just easier to take something away than to upset people that don't understand the ���� concept.


    With that being said, what you are talking about usually requires an extra donation. I can't see a lady taking your money/strong holding you. Unless you gave the extra money to her and at this point the onus is on you? You could have not given the extra donation money, or asked for the extra money back? Maybe a communication misunderstanding? It does seem like it's a reoccurring problem for you. Could there be something you could change to ensure you get what you are looking for?



    I am very clear when I make an arraignment to see someone. And yes your correct lovely lady certain things do require an extra donation and said donation was given. And said extra donation amount was not asked by me to be returned when an lame excuse was provided as to why said activity would not happen.


    The good news is those occurrences where in the past. Now I am more apt to see someone and only if things went well would I then bring up the topic when and if I called to discuss a second visit. So the lady in question knows who I am and can then decide if she is comfortable with said activity or not.

  3. I have very specific tastes and am a very picky man when it comes to spending money on myself. I make sure I discuss any specific details before I decide to commit to an appointment. then when I commit to me the lady in question is also committing to her side of the bargain. However on 3 occasions I have had ladies not fullfill there side of the bargain and still kept my side by making the full agreed donation and was a gentleman in that I never posted any information anywhere about me not having the type of experience I had expected. And never would I post any information about it. I know someone can have a bad day. However if a guy was to pm me and ask me direct then and only then would I share my experience. And one time it happened it turned out that same lady on here had offered certain things and used the same excuse as she did on me. I understand the nature of this board in that its more of post a review as long as its positive. I understand the danger in that a guy could post a negative review to be vindictive and understand there is always two sides to any story. However its to bad here there is not a mechanism for trusted members to provide accurate feedback on certain things. Much like the ladies have a section they can post bad date info. And in that section the lady in question should equally have an opportunity to tell her side of the story.

  4. If my appt is made in advance I text to confirm it early in the day. Then arrive on time and text 5 minutes to the agreed time. If I hear nothing back I wait 15 minutes and txt again. If no response within 5 minutes from that txt I leave. If I am getting a response from my txt I play it by ear.

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  5. finale tally 732 pairs of mens winter socks and 83 winter toques dropped to shelters in Ottawa,


    Next I have ordered a test pair of mens boxers from china. If they are good I will order 500 to 1000 of them because looks like they are $1 US each.

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  6. My dad told me if you want to live forever make memories in other people. I do my best to be a positive influence in my friends and families lives and to help others as best I can. Each day I seize the opportunity to do some good because in life you get out of it what you put into it. so smile and do a random act of kindness its contagious

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  7. Dropped off 100 pairs of mens winter socks to an ottawa shelter. Then felt so good I went and bought another 200 pairs and 83 toques to give to another one of the shelters in Ottawa. And this time will bring a 50lb pail of honey with me. Buckwheat honey that is good for coughs. Its better and more effective and more natural then cough medicine. I am sure they will put it to good use.

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