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north of

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Posts posted by north of

  1. Hey everyone,


    So I'll be visiting Moncton soon and i was looking for ways to spend some time (and money). I've found vipgirls.ca but I haven't found information confirming if they're legitimate or not.. Also Angie's show palace looks like it may be a good place to go, but not sure of mileage options there. They have a VIP area on their website that's intriguing but requires code access... Any help would be appreciated, PM me if you have any info!


    Thanks all

  2. So as some of you may have seen Studio Aura have made the news.. I was wondering if anyone has been there? What it's like? How discrete is it especially since everyone knows what it is now? Also wondering what Kendras House is like?


    Thanks !

  3. I think it's been summed up pretty good here.. It certainly seems to me, although I am completely inexperienced here, that this is like most things in life in that if you do focus on yourself and making what you do as good as you possibly can then the 'bad seeds' are water off your back and nothing to mind. A good community like this definitely seems to go a long way as well, it seems people here are willing to help each other out and guide the newbies into an enjoyable experience and avoid scammers and 'bad seeds' which will keep the hard workers and good seeds at the top and the community whole. The 'bad seeds' will always be out there, in all parts of life and sometimes they help put just how good the good ones are in perspective and allow you to truely appreciate what you already have around you.


    Just my .02 cents but I figured I'd throw it in there :)

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