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Everything posted by Cecilia

  1. Thank you SO much everyone!!! I ended up checking more porn, and asking the guy at shoppers how to get a dramatic eye that would look dramatic when it needed to, but run nicely when my 'boyfriend' and I were in bed. Seriously. I had to ask him that way. Then I bought a bunch of non waterproof, cheap, dark products and just played with them. Went from shower to gym, to dinner on the beach, to bedroom, then airport PERFECTLY!!!! He loved it! Just what I was looking for......effortless........seductive.........easy. Cecilia
  2. Thank you so much to both of you!!!! Really great tips with a new way of looking at it! MAC I acgree going in with a pic might be helpful! Love the ideas of shoppers and you really said it all when you said the cheap stuff makes a mess, runs, when your eyes water!!!! Hilarious because YES that is what I am looking for, and that is exactly the opposite of what makeup artists are always trying to give me. Item going to try both ideas over the weekend......and I think we will both really like the result, and this is going to make for a MUCH better trip! What a relief!!!! Cecilia
  3. So not sure where to post this or how to ask. I cater to a lot of unique requests (yes alien comes to mind, if you want advice on how to create that look, just ask). Day to day I am not the type to wear makeup, or if I do it's simply mascara. When I am trying to accommodate a certain bedroom look, like in this case a person always says really like a dark eye, darker the better, very slutty, sub/dom play (I'm the sub in this case) and they do prefer for the makeup to run and smear. Other info, in this case I am generally wearing leather cupless corsets, stalkings, high heals, a collar and various restraints, no panties. Hair is kept simple and the rest of the makeup is basically not noticeable. We also generally spent 4++ hours together. So I have tried asking a few makeup up artists to demo how to create this look (obviously I don't explain it that clearly) and have them recommend products, BUT its never the right look.....its not dramatic enough. it needs to be fierce, slutty, dirty, sexy, vulnerable....... Please someone has to have some advice here........like I live in Ottawa, am I asking in the wrong places??? Like should I be asking in a sex shop instead?? I don't know. I'm not embarrassed at all to talk about my sex life....so that is not an issue. Are there any other spinner, athletic, surf girl, tomboy types that understand what I am asking and can please tell me anything? Ask at the sex shop? Tell a makeup artist (where first off???) that it is for sex play??? Particular stores/or types of stores I should be looking at?? Or??? I'm allllll ears! I am flying out on Monday to visit this particular regular, so any advice is appreciated! Cecilia
  4. Alien role play......and yes, I was the one who had to dress up as the alien, and he was the human I was abducting. I get a lot of weird requests....because I tend to try most anything twice (who knows, might like it......), so people who know me, feel safe in asking me for odd things. It's a win-win situation, I get a new experience, they get what they want without feeling judged, and to top it all off they generally show a lot of appreciation, plus repeat meetings.
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