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About Mroizo

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  1. So I have visited over 20 girls in the last few months and learned ALOT! This is my first post so I assume I may get a few things wrong and mod please edit if I did :( I have seen the good , great and horrible. the good are the ones who look like the pic and are fun. the great are the ones who are way hotter than you should have ever gotten and you end up talking for an hour after and still text .. the horrible are the ones who look nothing like the pic , watch the clock , take calls, text , ask for more , freak out and kick you out , lay there like they died, stink, stop to use drugs and so on . I respect woman and often try to hard to make them enjoy the date .. I want to talk openly about a few places that are underrated IMO and about some of the crap I encountered so I can warn others . am I at the right place ? Mr Oizo
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