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Posts posted by minuteman06

  1. Maybe I'm just getting old or I have used the advise from people like @Greenteal but with enough experience, you can take a quick look at an ad and tell it's a scam right away.  Sometimes it's the background images, sometimes it's European wall plugs, hinges on doors, could be almost anything the sets the dought in motion.  At that point, I just move on, not worth the risk or care of even trying to contact them.

  2. 4 hours ago, Mikeyboy said:

    Also if you use Chrome as your browser (and are on a PC), then you can simply right click on any image and select "search google for image".

    Super easy and seems fairly reliable. 

    Great advise, same goes for Android phones, tap and hold on any picture and the menu will pop up with one of the options being to "search Google for image".

  3. DATY is another perfect example of that grey area of safe services only.  Some advertisements state safe only but when you politely ask they say, "oh, I'm fine with that, just no kissing."  Since there doesn't seem to be any consistent "standard" to any abbreviation in this industry I hope the ladies will continue to humor polite, respectful questions from potential clients as we are curious by nature and some of us seek certain pleasures.  Some of us read the ladies full ad, research their website and no matter how hard we try, some simple answers cannot be found.  It's a bit too late to keep your mouth shut, pay hundreds of dollars to show up only to fund out it wasn't the encounter you were hoping for.  Now after saying all of that, I do understand that ladies deal with endless questions everyday that never lead to a booking, it's unfortunate that the respectful men can sometimes get lumped into this category while they are trying to actually set up a date by asking a few questions. 

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  4. Omg, did I just read the word "chew." ...lol.  I think I am at a loss for words, really, chew, really.  Maybe these are the same guys that treat nipples in the same fashion thinking it's a turn on for the ladies.  I'm not judging if that's what a lady is into but I can't see that being something I would do let alone without asking first.  Lyla continues to always surprise me every now and again, keeps things interesting for reading!

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    • Haha 1

  5. The police chief in Truro has been known to pull exactly a stunt like this for something that hogs resources for very little gain.  It all depends on of he is getting pressure from above or just decided on his own to take this one on.  @Greenteal believe me when I say Truro is qwerky.  If everyone sticks to the known reputable SP's there should never be a problem, even in Truro.

  6. Rachel is a well known trusted MT but I will admit some of the wording on the site sounds odd.  I wonder what her big picture plan is or what she is really trying to accomplish.  The theory about having a local site is wonderful, her approach may just need some tweaking.  It would be good for local ladies to reach out and see what it really is all about.  Maybe something great can come of this!

    • Confused 1

  7. For me, I prefer no strong scented products at all.  Not that I don't like the smell but more for discreet reasons.  Perfume can have a really long lingering scent that even your clothes in the hamper after a date could still not be discreet enough.  Other then that as it was mentioned above by @katie that a womans hair products and soaps alone can make for a very lovely smelling woman! :)

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  8. Just a follow up:  I contacted Paramour and mentioned this.  They told me that Kim had moved here to NS over a year ago and was no longer affiliated with Paramour.  She was when she was out west but not anymore.  Paramour confirmed that they do not double book clients, apologized that this had happened but, Kim was acting all on her own for this one as they were not dealing with her bookings.  They are supposed to contact her and get her to remove any affiliation from their company in her ads.

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