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Posts posted by VexingVixen

  1. ... as long as you share the pie ;)


    (Happy 3.14)


    I'm with the lovely MA's above, but with a SP POV - A jerk will not get my time. A gent? if I have time to share.


    Big or small, I love men and women, and all the fun variants along the way - Tall, Short, Trans, Queer, Skinny, Fat, Old, ... its all just different colors of the same tree ;)

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  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc3KSWzj7SE


    There are lots of kisses that I enjoy.


    soft, gentle, trepidacious, nose rubbing, cuddly, lovey, slow & butterfly kisses.


    .. or maybe


    firm, wet, pressed, against the wall, makes your head dizzy and your body flush.


    .. there are more kisses than that too. family kisses, friend kisses, french kisses, cheek kisses.


    not enough time for kisses some days sadly :(


    1000 Kisses Deep - Cohen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9GVk3AclEM

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  3. I'm Astrid. Valkyrie, gypsy, siren, dancer, mother, sister, aunt, child.


    I am a military brat. Can't stay too long in love or in place. I've been in Ottawa since 2001 .. and I think that's the longest ever, but I've also moved inside the city no less than 6 times...


    I will read almost anything. I read signs, cereal boxes, terrible fiction, text books... no bodice rippers. I like my passions to be in the flesh, thanks.


    .. I guess that makes me a headonist. I like tattoos, and piercings, and my hair is purple and black. I'm sassy and stubborn, but do my best to mind my manners.


    Art is Vargus, Mucha, Pontiac. I love to drive, but standard please.


    I am slightly deaf in one ear. I speak very basic sign language, bad french (je dois pratique!), smattering of spanish, latin & german, and I'm working on japanese!


    Life is music, and I love to dance, and teach others too. If the music's playing, I'm likely dancing and I'll listen to pretty much anything but metal.


    I define as a femme, but when I'm not moving the furniture to repaint (I'm doing the front hall right now...) or going on a date (pass the pencil skirt...) I stick to yoga wear. It's soft and feels nice, and my bum looks delightful.


    Can't think of whats left to tell.



  4. I like Gabriella, was not educated about sex work until university, and it really is a different world than I had been taught to understand.


    They call me a Hooker or Whore? No. I am a Companion. A Haven. I provide the ultimate in personal services. Many clients are looking beyond just a shag now, and into ... a girlfriend, a playmate.


    I love my job, because I make people smile, and feel better for a time. I am compensated for the happiness consultation we had. It's poetic no? We are therapists in a way.


    Muddled late night thoughts ;)

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