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Posts posted by markdelta

  1. Just figured I'd update. I popped over to her place just because she's the only pop in lady I can find on the boards and I never know when I'm going to have free time.


    Overall her demeanour was fine; not aggressive or mean. Quite polite and accommodating actually.


    The pics are definitely from 10 years ago.. she is not an attractive lady. I didn't do anything with her because, frankly, it's not what I'm into. Her rack is gigantic, as you'd guess from the pics, but they're pretty low hanging.


    I left the place after about 5 minutes stinking of smoke and feeling like I'd made a pretty huge mistake. I gave her some money for her time and took off.


    I will say that when I got there and discussed rates, they were about $50 more each than what she told me by email.


    Don't waste your time fellas, unless you've got a granny fetish. Then she's actually a pretty safe bet!

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  2. I'm curious about this place too. Personally, I'm not looking for full service, just some pampering from a beautiful lady. Wondering if anybody has any experience here.


    Kinda scary that they share the building with a law office.

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