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Posts posted by janeway

  1. I've always opted to spend my money on more tattoos, but Loubs are on my list. It's a status item, and I've always admired them. Although, I come from pretty humble beginnings and even though I could afford a pair now, I would always hear that voice in the back of my head that would be like "are you really spending 1.5k on a pair of heels????" On that note, I'd fawn over any guest that bought me a pair as a gift. I've had similarly priced gifts bought for me, so it's not out of the realm of possibility.


    As far as heels in general, I love love love them. I own way more than I should. They make me feel super sexy.

    • Like 6

  2. VISITING JANUARY 20-23 and prebooking is already underway!

    Hosting near Bank and Laurier!




    Come visit Toronto's premier punk rock companion and see what this wild & alternative beauty has in store for you.

    Renowned across the boards as one of the top independent providers of 2016, my business is your dreams come true.



    Jane Way is a published model, porn star, writer, and retired academic.

    And now? You're new ATF. A professional filthy mind never disappoints.


    The ultimate tattooed experience. Let's make some memories.



    Visit my website (yourjaneway.com) and follow me on Twitter for more dirty fun, selfies, and daily updates.






    Monthly schedule available via yourjaneway.com/schedule.

    AVAILABLE 11a-11p when noted. Though same day appointments can often be accommodated, prebooking is always recommended.



    1 hour: 350

    1.5 hours: 500

    2 hours: 600



    Other rates/packages and information on duos, trios, and more, are available at yourjaneway.com/encounters

    If we've made magic before, ask about my grandfathered rates, as you may qualify!






    All bookings can be made via yourjaneway.com/contact,

    by texting/calling +1 (647) 930-7739, or by emailing [email protected]

  3. I will now be taking bookings tomorrow, January 7th!


    Prebookings are also underway for next weeks dates:

    January 9-10 and 13-15




    Come visit Toronto's premier punk rock companion and see what this wild & alternative beauty has in store for you.

    Renowned as one of the top independent providers of 2016, my business is your dreams come true.



    Jane Way is a published model, porn star, writer, and retired academic.

    And now? You're new ATF. A professional filthy mind never disappoints.


    The ultimate tattooed experience. Let's make some memories.



    Visit my website (yourjaneway.com) and follow me on Twitter for more dirty fun, selfies, and daily updates.






    Monthly schedule available via yourjaneway.com/schedule.



    1 hour: 350

    1.5 hours: 500

    2 hours: 600



    Other rates/packages and information on duos, trios, and more, are available at yourjaneway.com/encounters

    If we've made magic before, ask about my grandfathered rates, as you may qualify!






    All bookings can be made via yourjaneway.com/contact,

    by texting/calling +1 (647) 930-7739, or by emailing [email protected]

    • Like 1

  4. Catch me this week in Toronto, ON!


    January 4: BOOKED

    January 5: 11a-6p




    Come visit Toronto's premier punk rock companion and see what this wild & alternative beauty has in store for you.

    Renowned as one of the top independent providers of 2016, my business is your dreams come true.



    Jane Way is a published model, porn star, writer, and retired academic.

    And now? You're new ATF. A professional filthy mind never disappoints.


    The ultimate tattooed experience. Let's make some memories.



    Visit my website (yourjaneway.com) and follow me on Twitter for more dirty fun, selfies, and daily updates.






    Monthly schedule available via yourjaneway.com/schedule.


    1 hour: 350

    1.5 hours: 500

    2 hours: 600



    Other rates/packages and information on duos, trios, and more, are available at yourjaneway.com/encounters

    If we've made magic before, ask about my grandfathered rates, as you may qualify!






    All bookings can be made via yourjaneway.com/contact,

    by texting/calling +1 (647) 930-7739, or by emailing [email protected]

  5. I'll like to find out what how you define Connection between two people and the Chemistry between two people?

    Or are they the same.


    I've had many great encounters and have in contact with many of the women that I have met.


    With some I have felt a personal bond and friendship for some reason? I think this is what I defined as Connection?


    And with other women, there is instant attraction and both physical and emotional. It just feels natural and comfortable to be with each other right away, with no shyness or first meeting jitters. It just feels right.


    After 4 years of now of being on here on Cerb and starting off slowly in meeting women. As I was a shy man. I guess confidence comes with more experience. Now I can meet new women and find that I can now easily chat and entertain women and they seem to enjoy meeting me also.


    I've managed to make many friendships and have gotten close with several of the women I have met. Is this connection or chemistry?


    What is your definition and are they different or the same.


    What were your first experience where you met someone new and had a instant connection or chemistry?

    I'm interested in hearing your opinions and stories?


    I'm very empathic, so I always find chemistry and connections easy to be made if I get good vibes from someone. Chemistry and connections can be platonic as well, so I feel they go hand in hand, and there isn't much difference between the two. Romantic chemistry with a gent and myself is kind of like a "spark", you know, when you instantly connect with someone, like y'all just click. It's always the best when that happens.

    • Like 2

  6. Hi everyone!


    Happy holidays, I sincerely hope you're all having a great time!


    I am shopping for new bedding :)


    In your opinion, what bedding do you find sexy?


    Style? Colour?


    Who else loves new bedding? It can totally change a room, the mood.


    Thank you!


    Jade xoxo


    I love silky feeling cotton sheets (not actual silk). High thread count, white or black, with a nice duvet cover that's got a minimalist design.


    I LOVE new bedding. Whenever I order new bedding, and it comes in the mail, it's like Christmas morning!

    • Like 1

  7. Just wondering if any of you wonderful ladies out there provide skype services? Sometimes it's just nice to stay in :)


    I'm interested to find out.




    I used to when I was more into camming, not so much any more. But I would definitely consider it if asked again! I haven't had anyone inquire about Skype services in a long time. Blast from the past!

  8. Visiting Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    January 20: BOOKED

    January 21: 11a-11p

    January 22: 4p-11p

    January 23: 11a-11p


    Prebooking is already underway, so be sure to reserve your date! Hosting near Bank and Laurier in an upscale condo.




    Come visit Toronto's premier punk rock companion and see what this wild & alternative beauty has in store for you.

    Renowned as one of the top independent providers of 2016, my business is your dreams come true.



    Jane Way is a published model, porn star, writer, and retired academic.

    And now? You're new ATF. A professional filthy mind never disappoints.


    The ultimate tattooed experience. Let's make some memories.



    Visit my website (yourjaneway.com) and follow me on Twitter for more dirty fun, selfies, and daily updates.






    Monthly schedule available via yourjaneway.com/schedule.



    1 hour: 350

    1.5 hours: 500

    2 hours: 600



    Other rates/packages and information on duos, trios, and more, are available at yourjaneway.com/encounters

    If we've made magic before, ask about my grandfathered rates, as you may qualify!






    All bookings can be made via yourjaneway.com/contact,

    by texting/calling +1 (647) 930-7739, or by emailing [email protected]

  9. I know some women like to be spanked.

    But do most woman really like to be spanked.

    and if so, is it a light playful spank, a medium spank.

    Or spanking that will leave hand prints on the but.


    Just curious, I wouldn't like to hurt a woman, unless it really turns them on?

    But I could never really do more then a playful spank.


    Just like to get your opinion?


    I LOVE being spanked! All kinds of spanking, just has to be the right person and the right chemistry. Also, a warm up never hurt anyone.

    • Like 1
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