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About scott.i1045

  • Rank
    General Member

Personal Information

  • Profile Welcome Message
    Hey all! I'm a pretty normal 48yr old guy who flies overseas every October to have fun... Mostly Germany and Austria. I'm hoping I can find some fun in Canada!
  • Gender
  • Location
    Sydney Area
  • Biography
    I'm a pretty normal 48yr old guy who flies overseas every year to have fun.

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  1. Yeah, I've never understood that... If someone's services are outside your price-range you thank them for their time, and move on. Or you save up until you can afford it. Haggling in this context is just plain disrespectful and unbecoming of a gentleman.
  2. Another vote for Stephanie... She's a sweetie 😀
  3. @StephanieMystiqueThank you kindly. I will probably be in touch in the early part of the new year! 🙂
  4. Thank you both... Stephanie and Kimmy are on my list as well. I was looking at this one on leolist, but get an odd feeling from the ad. Not sure if I'm just being paranoid. Does anyone have any experience with her? https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/cape_breton_in_sydney_wet_and_juiciest-8289974
  5. Hi all! As you can see, I am new here. I have plenty of experience in the hobby, but entirely overseas (Germany and Austria). I am looking for a companion in Sydney, and really don't know here to start. It's so much more straightforward in Europe. 😉 I am looking for someone trustworthy, professional, and discreet who would be available on a semi-regular basis... probably once every few months. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to travel to Halifax. Does anyone have any recommendations for the Sydney-area? So far, the delightful Ms Quinn is at the top of my list. Thanks!
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