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Lesbian Section for Janes

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Now hear my out. This is something that has been boggling my mind for YEARS. I myself identify as pansexual and always had a special spot for women. I always think about how lesbians or bi-sexual women have to do SOOO much research and jump through so many hoops to see an SP.


Finding the perfect SP can be difficult for just about anyone and seeing how not too many SP's I have worked with, really and truly saw female clients. I mean that in a way that it seemed fake and not with the heart, and nobody wants that. I think it be super awesome if there were sections on places that, provide SP ads, that can provide for the women looking for women. So they can find their perfect peach. This way SP's who do see female clients, can have the opportunity to help a fellow lady out.


Unfortunately, I was informed that not a lot of lesbians seek out SP's but who's to really know that? I want to find a way to create something new, that can be offered to the lesbian community seeing as how the gay male community already has a section on BP. There's not a whole lot of options here in Canada, to offer to the very big gay community, us Canadians have.


Sorry for the long spiel, It's just such a big idea and feel it was worth sharing and discussing. Maybe get the ball rolling. Men can't have ALL the fun! :P

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I don't see anything wrong with a special section for lesbian or gay discussion if that is something the gay and lesbian community on here would find useful. Certainly the discussion around SP services for that community would be a fit for this board either in a separate section or simply as part of the general discussions... kinda feel we have always welcomed diversity.


Just my Opinion

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Thanks for the link. Totally curious to this whole different aspect. I know this site is diverse, I was just hoping for arrows to direct specific genres in the escort world.

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Yeah, unfortunately, it is a very small, niche market. If you are in a larger centre, in particular, it helps, but if you make sure you put in out there in your ads and on your website that you cater to Queer women and even invest a little in differing advertising venues...perhaps someone could suggest some?... progressive websites and publications that are not escort specific, that would permit you to have an ad banner that links to your website, that is likely the best you can do to attract this tiny segment of the market; that is, outside of word of mouth among women in the Queer community who would be open enough to disclose with each other and might end up referring someone to you.


Earlier on in my career, I actively marketed to attract female clients, and, over a number of years -outside of couples- I only had three individuals that I saw, and two of them were repeat clients. I no longer cater to either market (women individually or couples) for personal reasons, but it can be really rewarding and fun.


Good luck Brody!

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