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For Wolfish Desires. July 19 - 24

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Suppose you are looking for a unique experience. Something new and out of the ordinary. You have exceptional taste, and you are looking for an experience that is a reflection of that. You want to be left with a memory that lingers for days. Something that will leave a taste in your mouth for more.


Perhaps I have caught your eye because I am the beauty you've always been fascinated by. A confident, soft, unmistakable woman with an air that is intricate. I am sensual, vibrant, and breath taking ; You've always wondered about being with a woman like me, and this is your chance to answer a few questions.

I believe that the best things are often explored slowly with intent. My preferences are towards longer dates allowing for things to unfold naturally, until we find ourselves in the middle of the room full of laughter, warmth, and affection.. Let's seduce one another.


1hr :: 300

2hr :: 500

3hr :: 700




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