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Mandatory STD testing for sex workers?

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Dear DocOdd

it is well known that when a patient goes to the doctor for a test, and is diagnosed with a "contagious" disease...whatever the brand (from TB to STD and HIV)....the Public Health gets notified (in most countries is the same thing) - I used to work with a doctor.

....then, if a client goes testing and gets a positive, he will be contacted and his wife or whoever shares his life would also be requested to go for a test.....how a client would explain this situation to an SO?????? Dramatic....but he can not avoid to tell his SO because if he has some dignity (I do not mean if he loves her or not, that is out of the question)he would prevent that person from getting sick, otherwise he is a criminal, correct?

CONDOMS FOR EVERYTHING....is the only answer to prevent this situations....for daty for blow jobs and rims, intercourse and anal sex.....there is no other except to become abstinent.....

and for those who like toys.....wash them after every use with boiling water.....


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Guest G***f******

Not to sidetrack the discussion or anything, but, there are companies working on fast STD tests that can be done at home.




Hopefully these will actually work and be inexpensive, then the SPs could test the clients and vice versa. Kind of a mood killer, but accurate easy testing like this could dramatically reduce the rates of infection.

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I think you will find, with a bit of looking, std testing clinics that offer anonymity with an alias. (in fact it is possible to use your sp name for the test results, get a hard copy in that name, and if you were one who has no issues showing the recent results, it would not be identifying real name. Using sp name that you are known by, advertise by, etc, is actually more relevant lol)


I would stay away from walk in general practise clinic or the regular doctor anyway. All too often these places seem to want to talk you out of full testing and/or pre-treatment (say, if you had a possible exposure to chlamydia, typically now they don't just give out the treatment, they want you to wait for test results from what I hear -- that is different than before they would just automatically hand it over)


I think I have mentioned now and then that all new clients should be tested before they see the first sp.


The NZ example is that OHS policy requires that informational posters be prominently displayed on site (meaning the clients are exposed to the information when visiting), and that no uncovered services are provided (in order to comply with the regulations (cbj, covered daty, etc)


It is the hope I believe that exposure to information, and reducing exposure to contact, will have the effect that clients will take themselves for testing and/or be aware of the impact of stds.



On the topic of making it mandatory or not, I am on the fence. If you want legitimacy, it will come with regulations. And part of regulations on such an industry will include health and safety regulations and policies. It is or should be within the right of an employer to require a recent test, and/or to encourage regular testing possibly by having technicians visit the work place, or educational training? Sometimes people say "it's sex, it should just be natural to everyone". Well, it is, but it isn't common knowledge and it is dangerous actually to leave it in the hands of the workers to just go ahead and do it on their own. When I worked in a fitness field, in order to be employed you needed to be certified. IN order to maintain certification, a certain number of working hours per year, CPR/First Aid, and a minimum # of training/workshop hours were required in order to renew certification. I was dealing with people, in a workplace, and it made sense to have the kind of knowledge to help them if they get into an accident, injure themselves, get exposed to something.


I can't think of any good reason not to have similar requirements for sex workers who have to have licenses, etc. Other industries have requirements and minimum standards. If you want to have credibility and reduce the stereotypes, you up the game.

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I am sure many of us want to know where those clinics are???

Dear Fortunate one I always trust your advice and value your opinions, and in this particular situation, much more. I have been chatting with my regular clients about this topic and they want to be tested but their anonymity is compromised (one of them went to a clinic and they gave him a form to fill up and they asked for their OHIP number (to bill the government, of course).

He was just here with me and I mentioned your post and he eagerly wants to know where to get tested.....please could you provide those addresses?

or just send me a PM.....up to you and, once again, thanks for all these contributions you make to our board!


your friend as always!

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ACT has information about anonymous testing sites and resources in Ontario as well as what one can expect when they go for an HIV test, it's a great resource and a simple search of their site brings up a lot of useful information.

I've only visited a couple of these clinics but the ones I've gone to provided a full range of services (STI testing) and not just anonymous HIV testing. I am not sure if they all offer a full range of tests but you can always call the one closest to you and ask.


Additional resources - http://www.actoronto.org/home.nsf/pages/referrallists


The 411 Initiative for Change appears to have a fairly comprehensive list of testing sites across Canada.


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Great, and more relevant for you, L, that folks in your area posted the info. Also great since so many more have the info now too.


I went to a free clinic, because it was quite close to me and because I was really curious about their services and approach, and I was very happy with everything. I received the works, and hep B shots as well. No medical ins card info, no real name or full name (just one you can remember), no judging, no hesitation in providing the full range of available testings.

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