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Creepy stalking wo(men) app

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â??Boy, you sure have a lot of apps on your phone.â?

â??Well, itâ??s my job.â?

â??Whatâ??s your favorite?â?

â??Oh, I couldnâ??t choose. But hey, want to see one to set your skin crawling?â?

It was the flush end of a pleasurably hot day â?? 85 degrees in March â?? and we were all sipping bitter cocktails out in my friendâ??s backyard, which was both his smoking room, beer garden, viticetum, opossum parlor and barbecue pit. I was enjoying the warm dusk with a group of six of my best friends, all of whom seemed interested, except for my girlfriendâ?¦ who immediately grimaced.

â??[URL="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/girls-around-me-foursquare/id468059309?mt=8"]Girls Around Me[/URL]? Again?â? she scolded. â??Donâ??t show them that.â?
She turned to our friends, apologetically.

â??Heâ??s become obsessed with this app. Itâ??s [I]creepy[/I].â?

I sputtered, I nevered, and I denied it, but it was true. I [I]had [/I]become obsessed with Girls Around Me, an app that perfectly distills many of the most worrying issues related to social networking, privacy and the rise of the smartphone into a perfect case study that anyone can understand.
Itâ??s an app that can be interpreted many ways. It is as innocent as it is insidious; it is just as likely to be reacted to with laughter as it is with tears; it is as much of a novelty as it has the potential to be used a tool for rapists and stalkers.

And more than anything, itâ??s a wake-up call about privacy.

The only way to really explain Girls Around Me to people is to load it up and show them how it works, so I did. I placed my iPhone on the table in front of everyone, and opened the app.

The splash screen elicited laughter all around. Itâ??s such a bitmap paean to the tackiest and most self-parodying of baller â??cultureâ?; it might as well be an app Tom Haverford slapped together in [I]Parks And Recreation[/I]. But it does, at a glance, sum up what Girls Around Me is all about: a radar overlaid on top of a Google Map, out of which throbs numerous holographic women posing like pole dancers in a perpetual state of undress.

â??Okay, so hereâ??s the way the app works,â? I explained to my friends.
Girls Around Me is a standard geolocation based maps app, similar to any other app that attempts to alert you to things of interest in your immediate vicinity: whether it be parties, clubs, deals, or what have you. When you load it up, the first thing Girls Around Me does is figure out where you are and load up a Google Map centered around your location. The rest of the interface is very simple: in the top left corner, thereâ??s a button that looks like a radar display, at the right corner, thereâ??s a fuel meter (used to fund the appâ??s freemium model), and on the bottom left is a button that allows you to specify between whether youâ??re interested in women, men or both.
Itâ??s when you push the radar button that Girls Around Me does what it says on the tin. I pressed the button for my friends. Immediately, Girls Around Me went into radar mode, and after just a few seconds, the map around us was filled with pictures of girls who were in the neighborhood. Since I was showing off the app on a Saturday night, there were dozens of girls out on the town in our local area.

[URL="http://www.cultofmac.com/157641/this-creepy-app-isnt-just-stalking-women-without-their-knowledge-its-a-wake-up-call-about-facebook-privacy/"]Rest of the article here[/URL].

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