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Sophia's Couture Approach for you in NB, SJ March 2-5th

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[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][][SIZE="4"]Why the word "Couture" ?
Allow me the chance to explain....

As described in Wiki this is the meaning of Haute Couture....

[COLOR="Black"] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CE[COLOR="Black"]Haute couture (/Ë?oÊ?t kuːË?tjÊ?É?r/; French pronunciation: â??[ot kuË?tyʁ]; French for "high sewing" or "high dressmaking" or "high fashion") refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. Haute couture is high end fashion that is constructed by hand from start to finish, made from high quality, expensive, often unusual fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable sewers, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques. Couture translates literally from French as "dressmaking" but may also refer to fashion, sewing, or needlework[1] and is also used as a common abbreviation of haute couture and refers to the same thing in spirit.[2] Haute translates literally to "high". A haute couture garment is often made for a client, tailored specifically for the wearerâ??s measurements and body stance.[1] Considering the amount of time, money, and skill allotted to each completed piece, haute couture garments are also described as being (priceless)[/[/COLOR]COLOR][/COLOR]

[SIZE="3"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]So how is this relevant for you and I?

I do offer you the highest quality products and all tailored from head to toe just for your highest expectations. Strategically planned and prepared for the ultimate experience from a highly skilled and experienced professional you deserve! Always a fashion diva, wearing only the eye pleasing treasures we feel best suits your desires! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]

1030 AM - 9PM ONLY.
DUO AVAIL MARCH 7-8 & 30/30

I only have limited avaliable times per day, and like to be prepared perfectly [U]Short notice often will not be an option...but will try!

506 261 7313[/U]
[/COLOR][/U] ][/B][/SIZE]

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