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I recently accompanied a gentleman on a trip to Mexico.... ...

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He had an MBA from Harvard. 

Does anyone remember the commercial.... "When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen"? Well, he loved that commercial and believed it could have been written for him. 

While visiting a coastal village, we noticed a boat with a single fisherman, returning with his catch for the day and decided to buy some. 

It was so good, the next day we went to buy more. 

My friend complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked him how long it took to catch them. 

"Not long", the fisherman said 

"Why don't stay out longer and catch more fish? ", my friend asked. 

"Why?" asked the fisherman. "That's all I need to support and care for my family". 

"What do you do with the rest of your time?" 

"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas in the afternoon and make love to my wife, Maria. In the evening we stroll into the village, sip wine and play guitar with my amigos.

It is a full and busy life.

" This is your luck day" boasted my friend. 

" I have a MBA from Harvard and what I going to tell you, will improve your life." 

" First, stay out longer and catch more fish. More fish means more money." 

"With more money, you can invest in a bigger boat." 

"With greater profits from the bigger boat, eventually you can have a fleet of boats".

"Soon you will out grow your little coastal village and expand your business to Mexico City."

"Starting your own distribution company will let you cut out the middleman and grow your profits even more."

"Soon you will have offices in New York and L. A. "

" Wait " said the fisherman," how long will this take? "

" 20 to 25 years", said my friend. 

" And then what"? asked the fisherman 

"This is the best part" replied my friend "Announce an IPO, take your stock public and make millions!" 

" And then what"? asked the fisherman again

"Then you retire to a costal village in Mexico. You will sleep late, fish a little, play with your grandchildren, take siestas in the afternoon and make love to your wife, Maria. In the evening you will stroll into the village, sip wine and play guitar with your amigos!

This week, between 7 am and 1 pm, I will be offering my Early Bird Special. 

Please call or text me for the details. 



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