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A Letter to the Future Generation of the World

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Dear Future Children of the World,


Don't try to be an adult when you turn thirteen or be like TV teens


Don't try to dress like Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf. Don't be a whore like the Situation, and don't drink as much as Snookie. You can worry about all that stupid stuff later on in life. Enjoy triple thick chocolate milkshakes, eating poutine with three different flavours, & hanging out with your friends.


Guys go play some sports, or do whatever hobby you want to do. Just make sure it's what you want to do, don't do it just because your parents force you to do it. Have some fun. And don't be an ass, don't be a bully, they are not cool at all. Girls, do whatever makes you happy too. Be excited when you have your first kiss, just make sure those kisses don't end in "jobs", there'll be plenty of time for that in the future.


Oh yah, while you are at it, go get a job. Labour laws are for 7 year olds, and getting a job will do you some good. I don't care if it's Mcdonalds, Tim Horton's, or being a landscaper. You should work when your young so you learn not to be a little selfish shit when you grow up.


Read the newspaper/magazines/or anything on paper


Don't let the whole "print journalism" is dying bullshit come true. If you keep staring at your computer, you probably will get wrinkles under your eyes. You can't always wear glasses inside buildings. Maybe on the Jersey Shore, but not in real life. You'll be called a d-bag if you wear sunglasses indoors, so read the newspaper. Educate yourself on current events. Go to the library. Get a library card. Shakespeare mind sound kind of dorky, but it's such actually pretty f*cked up interesting stuff. Romeo & Juliet, Othello, and Macbeth are all pretty rockin books.


Don't let the internet take over your life


Turn off your iphone, imac, twitter, facebook, ipad, or whatever internet device you have. Step out into the sweet ass sun. Your only excuse should be if zombies have taken over the world. Or even worse, the robots. DO NOT LET THE ROBOTS WIN!!! Don't use netflix or stream a movie, go to an actual theatre. Make-out in the theatre. Hold hands in public. Feel the rain on your skin, the sun on your face, or just enjoy the cool breeze of human interaction.


Delicious things do not kill you


Don't read up too much on WebMD. Because if you do, you'll find out pretty much everything can kill you or increase your chance of cancer. The sun kills you, cell phones kill you, chocolate kills you, mangos kill you, hell even LOL cats might kill you. Sure you shouldn't over indulge on everything, but please promise me you will still have fun. Life will always kill you, so you might as well have as much fun as you want. Say what you want, eat what you want, drink what you want. But for peats sake, guys & girls, make sure to wrap it up, use a condom. Watch MTV's teen mom, the first 5 seasons, that'll teach you to wrap it up.


Fight, do something.


Don't just sit around all day saying life sucks. Or just be mad because your iphone is only a 3G, when everybody else has an iphone 5g-triple-highspeed-radioactive-with an awesome-o-vision camera. Don't get pissed because you don't have the new nike shoes from footlocker or the pants from lululemon. Don't want too much more then you have, just be grateful. Be ambitious for things that don't have a $$$ value. Do things like vote. Know what is going on outside the area you live in, educate yourself on the current events in Afghanistan, Egypt, or other places of the word. Be mindful of others. Basically, just get off your ass, and do something.


Love somebody


Who gives a f*ck if the divorce rate right now is like 1000000000%? Who cares if the only people who fall in love in romance movies always seem to be Ryan Gosling & Julia Roberts. Love is something worth having. Do something risky to please your own heart's palpitations. It is totally normal to get stomach twisting butterflies when that girl/boy gives you a half ass grin. Act on it. Please don't make romance all about texting, sexting, and vampire tween movies.




Basically to all children of the future, just know that you are beautiful, you are smart. Have faith in others, have faith in yourself. Don't ever become too full of yourselves, because you can always learn from others, and learn from your own mistakes. I really hope in the future, we can live in a world where its ok for guys to be emotional, girls will be more happier with the way their bodies are, and gay/lesbian children can dream about a real wedding, not one in a courtroom. And that you cured diseases, made world peace. Hopefully our time right now won't be remembered as the "good ole days" because I know the future generation will make tomorrow a better place.


Additional Comments:

oh p.s. I do not have any children at all. I still think I'm a child myself, haha, with the way I act sometimes.


It's just something that just kinda came to my head after seeing a few things this past week. I just kind of wish the best for our future generations, that is all. I don't even know what I'm saying now, sorry if this makes no sense, haha. It's too late, bed time for me!

Edited by Daniel17
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