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Pooner Diaries: early one morning

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There is always a moment of disorientation whenever I wake up somewhere I've never slept before. The light is different here. I can sense that I'm lying in a different direction than I am when I'm at home. The bed feels different. And unusually for me today, there is a warm body beside me, soft breathing the only sound I hear.


I turn and look at her. Her face is angelic in the dim light. Her brow is smooth, free from the cares of the world. I wonder idly what she is dreaming about at this moment. Her chest daintily rises and falls in her slumber.


I remember everything now. I met her for the very first time the last time I was in town. She drew me in with her soft kisses, lulling me into a sense of comfort and grace before welcoming me to town with a bang. She pounced on me, frenzied savage lust the spice following the sugar. I was stunned at this woman, a unexpectedly satisfying delight. I left town starry eyed and a little in awe and I thought about her from time to time for quite a while after that trip.


The day came when I knew that I would be returning. I wrote asking about an extended visit. I wrote that I enjoyed the time when when we met very much, and that I hoped for more than last time. I wanted a longer little vacation from the rough scrum of my daily life. And I wanted her to be my companion for that trip from reality. But I knew that we hardly knew each other. I knew that a brand new travelling companion on that vacation from life could be a challenge. We might find that we didn't really get along. I could be disappointed. It was a risk indeed, and I held my breath for a moment when I pressed send on my message. But she wrote back, saying that she'd be thrilled to spend so much time with me. So here I was now.


I thought back to last evening, bare hours ago. She could have asked to go to any number of fancy restaurants, ordered extravagantly and she knew that I would have picked up her tab without a word. But we went to a fun place that we both had talked about, piling our plates high with buffet food, getting tipsy on silly fruity drinks with umbrellas. We had a grand time, she and I, joking and laughing. It felt natural to be with her, like she was my best friend in the whole world.


And though I wanted the fun to start in earnest, those improbable girly drinks made me bold. I whispered an indecent proposal into her ear. Something I knew she wouldn't be expecting. Something a little indiscreet. Her eyes opened wide before turning to me with a smile and saying, "Sure."


And that is how we came to be walking hand in hand along the river pathway, her head on my shoulder, late into the evening. We talked on and on, not about the polite subjects of barely familiar aquaintances but about some of the deeper topics that can polarize and divide. Religion. Politics. But perhaps not too surprisingly, we were in complete agreement on the subject of sex.


And later that night, the subject came up again. But this time she had me right where she wanted me, riding me like the western cowgirl she was. And I bucked and snorted and played my part. She made me feel like a stallion, and we rode long and hard into the night. I held her tenderly afterwards, kissing her softly as we drifted off to sleep.


I think I fell in love a little last evening. And now, the reality is starting to creep around me, inexorably, like the tide. I don't even know her real name. And I know that after tomorrow morning, we'll both go our separate ways. We'll forget about this evening and each other, and go on with our lives. I suddenly felt alone and empty, in spite of this delightful creature beside me in this bed.


I looked out the window at the brightly lit office towers of the city, and saw the sky is getting every so slightly light off to the east. That morning will be here soon, before I know it. That moment of reckoning, when I watch her walk away, is close at hand. The stars glittered down, cold points of ice, mocking me.


I know money can't buy happiness. But that never stops me from trying to. I look down at her. Her chest gingerly rises and falls, rises and falls.


It's almost as if she knows I'm watching her. I know that if she was awake she would be kissing my mouth, stroking my back, whispering her secrets. Making me feel wanted. She's asleep, though. But she still stirs in her repose. She turned on her side, away from me before snuggling back against me. I put my arm around her waist without thinking, drawing her close to me. And she smiled in her unconscious reverie as we spoon. I feel my heart fill with joy to see her unselfconscious smile at the feel of my warmth.


No, money can't buy happiness. I know that I have to find that myself. And I do find it, in the smallest of things, and sometimes when I least expect it. I'm happy from the warmth and the closeness of her. I'm happy that I can make her smile spontaneously, when both of us least expect it. And more than anything else, I'm happy that I still get to spend a couple of more hours with her.


I look outside at the city, the sky deep indigo. The stars are twinkling their blessings now. My loneliness is gone. I settle back down, and nuzzle her soft, fragrant hair. I fall asleep in moments.

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Hi Birdboy,

Well my friend, your imagination and keyboard have brought us another well written piece of literature. Imaginative, poignant and oh so ture in so mnay facets.



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My, what a tale to share. The trip from reality we long for, the escape from the rough scrum of daily life. And yes, it can definately be a challenge. That is what brings us together, the need and the longing for that flight. Time shared produces memorable moments and is always cherished, never to be forgotten.

As Voltaire said," Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity."

Walking along the river pathway, the natural stream of water that flows. The deeper topics shared yet being made into one in the fusion of sex. Riding long and hard into the night, as we slowly glide into our sleeplessness. Afterwards, slowly drifting away again.

The inexorable tide we live for, as every moment is appreciated and remembered. Money cannot buy happieness, as contentment is displayed through the truth of a smile of the warmth felt between two people.

Edited by Liana
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