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A question for the Ladies

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This will probably sound like a "newbe" question but I guess there is still a bit of newbe left in the most jaded of us :)

When you Tour, do you always or just some times work out of Hotels?

If you do work out of Hotel do you let the management know up front what is going on?

Has "management ever given you any trouble like asked you to leave?


I know I have some times been given the "eye" from a prudish desk clerk or it could have been my imagination LOL


I guess the reason behind all this is the fact that I am going to be out of the hobby for at least the next 8 week and off sex all together for that same length of time and I have been sort of thinking that either a trip to Upper Canada or an invite to a Fine lady or Ladies from to here migh be a way to celibrate my eventual return to the hobby in the spring :oops:



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I know I have some times been given the "eye" from a prudish desk clerk or it could have been my imagination.


Maybe the clerk just thought you were "cute", but most likely, to quote The Temptations, Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me) ;-)


I guess the reason behind all this is the fact that I am going to be out of the hobby for at least the next 8 week and off sex all together for that same length of time and I have been sort of thinking that either a trip to Upper Canada or an invite to a Fine lady or Ladies from to here migh be a way to celibrate my eventual return to the hobby in the spring :oops:


Man, you really take Lent seriously, dude! lol And you start in on it early. ;-)

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....................... the fact that I am going to be out of the hobby for at least the next 8 week and off sex all together for that same length of time .....................Loki318


man......that is one serious time frame.....did you pack enough disposable razors to prevent razor burn on your palms?

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Man i cant even self-releive !!!! The Surgery is in a "very tender" spot and doc says no exercise for willy for the duration.....

That is why the big celibration afterward



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Loki318 I'm sorry to hear about your layup. Recovery can be very trying and requires patience which I have found many lack. As for your questions I have had a couple of very cool managers who figured it out, winked and never gave me reason to relocate but that was down south and I had an agency so it didn't take a genius to figure it out. Here in Canada I have never had a problem. If they know, they simply continue to do their job and let me do mine.


Take the time the doctor ordered and get well. Best of luck to you!



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This will probably sound like a "newbe" question but I guess there is still a bit of newbe left in the most jaded of us :)

When you Tour, do you always or just some times work out of Hotels?

If you do work out of Hotel do you let the management know up front what is going on?

Has "management ever given you any trouble like asked you to leave?


I know I have some times been given the "eye" from a prudish desk clerk or it could have been my imagination LOL


I guess the reason behind all this is the fact that I am going to be out of the hobby for at least the next 8 week and off sex all together for that same length of time and I have been sort of thinking that either a trip to Upper Canada or an invite to a Fine lady or Ladies from to here migh be a way to celibrate my eventual return to the hobby in the spring :oops:




I have travelled to many places for work...sometimes staying in Hotels,sometimes sub-letting apts. I have never had any trouble anywhere...You just have to be discrete and walk in like you own the place...lol



Take care of yourself and as Cat said follow the Dr.'s orders...


Emma A

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