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This week at Ottawa's hottest new members-lounge

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Hello gentlemen!


I hope you have all enjoyed this beautiful weekend! Next week is looking beautiful as well - almost as beautiful as the girls we'll have waiting for YOU!


VIP is a licenced bodyrub studio located in Ottawa South. We are a private club for members only, and we are currently offering our membership at a reduced rate for cerb members. You can reach us by phone at 613-261-0054 or by email at [email protected]. You must mention cerb to receive the discount.



9-3 Hailey

10-10 Miranda

3-10 Vitto



9-6 Tori

12-4 Amber

3-10 Vitto



10-6 Jenny


10-10 Miranda



9-3 Jenny

12-8 Lauren

10-10 Vitto



9-3 Amber

10-10 Miranda

3-10 Vitto



10-10 Hailey



Miranda 10-8


Pics of most of our ladies can be found here: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=60277 If there is a lady you are interested in seeing who does not appear on our schedule for the week, please let me know!


See you soon


xoxox Cleo

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