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Venison: how to tactfully put out the word.

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Since moving out of town, we often receive fish or venison from neighbours who hunt and fish, but either end up with too much, or who don't like to eat what they catch. This works out great for us! Not only do we love eating it ourselves, but our doggies and kitties are absolutely wild about venison. Nothing goes to waste in this house!


We would never want to put upon anyone for anything like this, but we have to wonder if there isn't a lot of venison and fish that ends up in the landfill after languishing in freezers for some time. How could we tactfully and respectfully let people know we'd be only too happy to take it off their hands, if it's just going to go to waste anyway?


We're lucky to already have a couple neighbours who've offered.

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I'm lucky, a friend of mine hunts, and gives me care packages of venison and moose. Some people don't like the taste of game, fair enough. But if you are going to hunt you should eat what you kill, not throw them out.

As for a recipe for venison or moose steak, even those who are adverse to eating game liked this one


Dry Red Wine



Bay Leaf

Pinch salt and pepper

Take the bottle of red wine, add rosemary (make sure you crush the leaves with a rolling pin), take the garlic, press all bulbs into the wine, add a bay leaf and salt and pepper

Let the marinade sit for 24 hours, make sure all ingredients mix together


Then take your venison or moose steaks from the freezer, place in a dish.

Pour the marinade in the dish over the steaks. Puncture the steaks with a fork. Cover and let sit in the fridge for two days.

After two days remove from the fridge, discard the used marinade, put the marinated steaks in another dish, this time put Renee's Garlic Lovers Caesar Salad dressing over the steak, let sit in the fridge covered for 24 hours.

Either BBQ or cook in a frying pan (Prefer BBQ, but if one isn't available, you can fry)

I've served game using this recipe. Even people who don't like game liked this, they commented it didn't have a gamey taste

Serve with a baked potato and caesar salad



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Nice post Joyful C ! I just don't know the answer ;)


I like my venison and I am a deer hunter when the population is high. I am surrounded by deer actually where I live lol. I can sit on my deck at dusk and probably count up to 75 - 100 sometimes out feeding.


Anywhoooo..... I have never minded hints being dropped about sharing venison if I have extra :) and I do.


Unfortunately there are years where all deer meat is not eaten before it gets freezer burnt or sits too long..... not planned but happens. I either give mine to a friend with pets or to the animal shelter. But never throw away. My friends all do the same.

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There actually is an organization, Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH.org) that gives game to charity. Unfortunately, I think they run into regulatory problems from time to time, which is a shame, because it's an excellent program.


RG, that sounds delicious! We simply marinate our steaks in apple cider overnight, and maybe brush on some Diana Sweet's Sauce before grilling. It goes fast.


Our favourite ground meat around here is pork, and I use that in most recipes, so the venison does contribute to a very different taste when I use it. Lately, I've been making up some meatballs for the doggies and kitties. I just toss a pound of ground bambi, a half cup of bread crumbs, an egg and a dollop of oil in the food processor, form the compound into 1" balls, and bake them on tin foil on a baking sheet at 400° for 10 minutes. The kids go wild for these! A bunch of 48 is gone in a couple days flat (I suspect someone is popping a couple into his mouth every time he gives the kids a treat).


If I were to make them for us (and it's a temptation, but we're down to our last few packages of ground), I'd probably toss in some garlic and worcestershire sauce.


Lee, where do you live? The most I've ever seen close together was maybe 3 or 4.

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Last week I was in a restaurant down on the south shore of NL. Sign at the counter .... Bottled Moose available here! They also had wild rabbit meat. Was sorely temped!!!

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Yum. I haven't had venison in years. I miss the jerky and sausages.


Some of the best sausages I've had were caribou. Yum. I also used to get bison sausages that were so good. They almost tasted like you were eating a roast!

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