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Guest *ig*a**

I would like to relate a story of what happened to me in my pre-cerb days. There was a sp that I had seen about 3 times and she was a wonderful woman. My s/o and I were on vacation in cancun walking the beach and enjoying the day when low and behold walking on the same beach was the sp I had been seeing. Let me tell you that my heart was racing and boy was I sweating. My wife asked if I was feeling ok. I said I think I had too much sun she said lets go in and cool down. After awhile I said that I was going to get some cigars and come back. My wife said why don't I go alone which I did. While I was getting my cigars I felt a tap on the shoulder I turned around and it was the sp I had been seeing. She said don"t worry your secret is safe with me. After that I never saw at the beach again. I was wondering if anyone had the same experience.

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Guest S***dst***

Closest I've been to this was when I was out with a bunch of female friends (as the only male in the little circle I enjoy our time out :P) for dinner @ Zacs in the market.


I saw an SP I had seen in the past walk thru the door and sit at the table next to ours! (Not her fault as that's just where she was seated)

It didn't bother me as she could have just be another female friend right :P and I'm not currently attached to anyone...but I stepped back and had to remind myself that life is not my life and she is here as herself to eat dinner so leave her alone :P


I don't even know if she recognized me anyways :P

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I've bumped in to a few of the ladies I've seen over the years, but I'm single so it really doesn't matter to me if they want to chat. I don't approach them just in case they are with someone, but when these situations have occurred in the past, I let them approach me. I'm good with it all.

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A New Years Eve dinner function a few years ago with lots of people I didn't know. While scanning the menu a late arriving couple sat directly across from me and my SO. I looked up to introduce myself and low and behold a woman I had seen no more than 2-3 hours earlier was sitting right there. We all made small talk, it was an interesting evening to say the least. But fun!!




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I used to see a particular MPA who offered ...let's just say "special treatment" to me. One day she walked into my place of business as a new client. It has been over a year since I was in her spa so I just pretended like there was nothing between us and she did the same. Years later she moved on and I was shocked when one of my co-workers said to me (while a little tipsy at the office Xmas party) that the MPA has told her once that she used to see me at her spa for hj's and extras. The co-worker was completely laughing and said "can you believe her?? What a nutjob!". I was screaming inside...



Tap'n talk'n

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Wow BIGDAWG, I would have totally freaked out in that situation! Anyone remember from Seinfeld the episode focusing on an issue with George?


"If Relationship George walks through this door, he will Kill Independent George! A George, divided against itself, Cannot Stand!"


There was an SP I saw a couple years back whom I encountered when I with my spouse at Rideau Centre. My SO went into a shop to buy something, so I went down the mall where I had seen the SP to say hello to her. Ok, this woman does not look at all like any woman I would have been known to associate with(a number of years younger than me, gorgeous, extremely attractively dressed, and of Caribbean descent). As well, it's not like I have a massive number of female friends. It's just before Christmas and I say hi, she's all happy that I approached her, we hug, I mention I'm here with my spouse so I can't stay long, and we say goodbye. No problems encountered at all. But, a number of months later any respect and common dignity between myself and the SP was gone. If I'd seen her after things went to hell I would have run the second I laid eyes on her.


It definitely makes sense to keep your public and secret worlds very far apart!

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I've recognized a few hobbyists on cerb that I know in my regular life but frankly I really don't care. Whatever they do is their private business as is mine. So what if I know their secret? They know mine as well. I'm not going to saything. Discretion is important and I know how to keep my mouth shut.

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It certainly wouldn't bother me, it seems like it is mutually assured destruction, so I assume it is in everyone's best interest to play it cool.

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I've recognize a few people in the streets...but people use to recognize me more last year....I had pink hair for a couple of months and purple/blue hair for about 6 weeks...and I was advertising working downtown, it's not hard to do one plus one at time:P

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Guest S**a*Q

I'm noticeable. Big hair, being loud and covered in tattoos will do that. :D I assume if people see me, they know me but I'm usually in my own little world (cause of headphones and me just being daydreamy) when I'm out alone, so I don't usually notice much going on around me.

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