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Sex Workers Literature

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Lately I've been reading on the boards a lot of industry literature being read all over. I'd like to pick up a good read on the industry or perhaps a novel written from the SPs perspective..or even the clients perspective.


any books worth mentioning out there? they could even be fiction, I'd just like to broaden my library and outlook on this wonderful industry that I love more and more each day :-)





...oh and no "how to" guides or "Sex-work for Dummies"...I think I'm ok on that end ;-) hehe

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I don't know any literature specifically on the subject, although I've often thought that the sex industry would be a great subject for a mystery novel.


Only problem is that whenever I've sat down to outline what the plot would look like, the story line either seems too autobiographical or the characters resemble people on CERB :shock:


Maybe I need a collaborator ... or better yet a muse!! ... want to volunteer Annessa??



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I'm reading a really good one right now which is an anthology of short stories written by women working in the sex industry.


It's really excellent.


It's called Sex Work : Writings by Women in the Sex Industry. It was first published in '87, but has been republished with a new bit on the history of the international sex workers movement. It's edited by Frederique Delacoste and Priscilla Alexander.

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Guest Ou**or**n

There is The Price: My Rise and Fall as Natalia, New York's #1 Escort by Natalie McLennan


From a different perspective, I found this one quite interesting - The Myth of Monagomy by Judith Lipton.


Despite its provacative title - The Wisdom of Whores by Elizabeth Pisani is a book about the spread of HIV and the politics behind aid organizations. There is however some excellent facts about the spread of HIV and why it spread so quickly in the heterosexual population in parts of Africa and yet very slowly in most of the rest of the world.


This is just the tip of the iceberg, there is alot out there I haven't read.

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I watched the British series 'Secret Diaries of a Call Girl' and it was based on a series of books written by a courtesan in London...she even has a Blog that links all of the books she wrote....most of her books can be found in Chapters or on Amazon...




I can't say if the books are good (have not read them)but I did like the television series (it starred Billie Piper of Dr. Who fame).

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Oh I also wanted to add:


Working Sex: Sex Workers Write About A Changing Industry edited by Annie Oakley


Brothel: The Women of the Mustang Ranch by Alexa Albert


Stripping, Sex and Popular Culture by Catherine M. Roach


Whore Carnival by Shannon Bell (a collection of interviews with various sex workers, activists and sex worker/performance artists)


Pulling Taffy (but I can't think of the author), it's about a gay male escort.


They have all kinds of sex worker literature at Venus Envy, which also carries Spread Magazine, which is about the sex industry.

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I recently read an awesome book by longtime escort, Veronica Monet, entitled "Sex Secrets of Escorts: Tips from a Pro"


To say this book is phenominal is an understatement.

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Just browse the Chapters website. I'm sure you can find loads of books on the subject that aren't always available at the stores.

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I watched the British series 'Secret Diaries of a Call Girl' and it was based on a series of books written by a courtesan in London...she even has a Blog that links all of the books she wrote....most of her books can be found in Chapters or on Amazon...




I can't say if the books are good (have not read them)but I did like the television series (it starred Billie Piper of Dr. Who fame).



You can find links to other sp bloggers thru this site as well. There are several US & UK bloggers, so you get insight into the work in other countries. There isn't always time to see everything everyone has to say lol, but there is a lot of fun reads out there.


Other things you can do is to seek out sp only sites or forums or sites with private areas for sps. There is a lot of information and networking available out there that shouldn't or can't be posted in a public all eyes area, but for verified sps with a solid reputation for discretion, access is granted.

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Not too long ago I read Call Girl by Jeanette Angell. She was a university professor and call girl. It was an interesting read taking place during the nineties. It comes with a detailed works cited section which makes reference to very good reading...both academically and for pleasure.


I too have read the Belle dejour collection and the Diaries of a ...collection. There is some funny stuff in both.

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lots of good suggestions in here, thanks everyone! I'll be taking a trip to Venus envy for a check-up on some suggested as i go there anyway but have rarely browsed the literature section as I always was just caught off guard by the Kama sutra literature, lol....that and I'm in need of some more bondage gear ;)


as for secret diary of a callgirl...LOVE that show and the humour yet human aspects of Belle's life..i feel like a total newb now knowing it was based on books....I'm on the hunt now!

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