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Duo with Andrea and Camelia

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I saw Andrea a couple of weeks ago. I thought about the duo but decided just to go with Andrea. Now your making me question my decision.haha.

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Couldn't wait to jump at the chance of seeing Andrea and Camelia together in a duo a couple of weeks ago. I knocked on the room door and was led in by Andrea who was a knockout, and then coming around the corner of the room was Camelia. Kissed and hugged both of them and could tell immediately this was going to be fun. The girls didn't disappoint. Andrea offered up a glass of wine for all of us to quickly get better acquainted. Got down to business and Andrea was the leader, and did a great job at it. Camellia was very receptive to both Andrea and I taking turns on her as did Andrea, when it was her turn to be the centre of attention. Of course, I got my turn shortly there after. Had no trouble rising to the occasions twice as who couldn't with that kind of sweetness all around you.

Was just a great session and I would highly recommend both girls as a duo if when they return to our area.

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