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OMG.....ain't it the truth

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Soooo guilty of letting parts of life pass me by while I spend "quality time" with my phones/electronics.

Guess I have something to strive for.... Time sans phone.




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Guest **zz**x

This video may be be torquing the truth a little but not by much. I see this all around me and have come to think that people don't believe they are living unless some how they document what they do with self shots or by texting their friends about what they

are up to. My Facebook friends even post pics of the food they eat and these are well educated, bright folks.... I am glad I was born before cell phones and BBs were invented.

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Guest webothscore

I don't mind admitting I am a huge texter. Having said that, not too much time spent on social media that people go nuts for. Also, I am super careful about phone being turned off at meetings, weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc. I don't let it take over my life. In fact, my phone has saved me time and heartache in many cases.

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Makes you wonder just how many damn microwaves are flying around out there.

When you think about how powerful a transmitter must be in a phone to reach a cell tower that at times may be kilometers away, sometimes from inside a vehicle or building, it's kind of scary. I don't see wifi as being as bad, since its signal is relatively weak and dies off after a few hundred feet (but I still use hardwire whenever I can).

I guess we'll know for sure about cell phone safety in 20 years or so.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

This just confirms my view about the overuse of technology in terms of socializing. Instead of being present and enjoying a sunrise, you talk to your friends on your cell. Take a picture of your food as opposed to mindful eating, using your phone to film a birthday cake being delivered instead of watching the expressions of the recipient or texting hello instead of going for coffee and talking.


If you don't moderate technology it can easily disengage you socially from the real world and many won't even notice. They believe they are being social yet the benefits of true companionship are sadly missing.


Thanks for posting this.

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