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New ears Resolutions/Plans

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Guest K***e D****ls

*Edit- of course I would have a typo in the header of this post and I can't fix it. Naturally. hahaha I meant New Years Resolutions/Plans', which I know you all got, but I like to clarify. On with the post....


I'm not one for big life changing resolutions as the success rate for these big changes usually is on the low side but if I have to pick one thing to focus on: this year's big change is to quit cussing so much. I keep it clean with gents in this world, but my mouth can be pretty foul if I'm with friends and kicking back. Not a pretty habit! haha So I want to try to quit cussing.


I lean more towards making New Years plans and some goals. Some on my list are:


-I have 3 countries on my personal travel hitlist I want to see this year. I was fortunate to see the 3 I had on my list in 2013. I try to get to at least 2 different countries a year, with one being a new destination that I can surf at.


-Start showing my art again


-Be more in the present. It's like I (and we as a society) rush rush rush all the time. I love those stolen moments where you take a deep breath and think 'Ohhh yeah, this is so good!' More, much more, of those and really appreciate them. Slow down a little more.


-Fresh flowers weekly. I'm a flower nut and a selfish simpler indulgence is fresh flowers in my home. I have a gorgeous bouquet of yellow roses right now and it lights up the whole room. Just a nice little weekly treat.


-More concerts!


So how about all of you? What resolutions, plans or goals do you have for 2014? All the best in this brand new year! :)

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Not so much a resolution since I started last year, but continue my diet/exercise routine. I'll say it's hard to exercise (walking) when it's bitter cold out and the sidewalks are still ice covered and dangerous to walk on

And for those ladies I postponed on last year due to family circumstances, I'm going to reconnect with them this year...I have two reconnections scheduled with two great ladies in two weeks...2014 is off to a great start



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