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Mistakes... we all make them

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This week I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful sexy CERB Lady and as is my usual practice after entering the ladies hotel room and greeting the lady I look for an appropriate table for me to discreetly place the ladies donation. On this particular day I did just that and we proceeded with a wonderful session together.


When the time came to leave we kissed and hugged a few times and I was on my way back to work. Then it happened I got a text from the lovely lady politely letting me know my donation was $40.00 short.... I immediately thought no way that's not possible... how the fuck did that happen.... I had gone to the bank on the way to the session so i knew how much I should have left... I checked and sure enough... I had $40.00 more than I should have had. I texted the lady immediately and apologized and asked if I could email the money to her which I did along with a tip.


I immediately thought fuck... my reputation on CERB will be shot this was a well established lady who would certainly now let it be known that I was a flake who shorted her... thankfully she did not do that she accepted my apology and was extremely professional about it. Since then we have exchanged a few texts and are looking forward to meeting again.


So why post this... well two reasons:


  1. Mistakes happen but when they do and the parties involved deal with them professionally things can work out for everyone.
  2. So that I can take this opportunity to thank Bianca Jaguar for her understanding of my mistake and for her professional approach to the issue.


Thanks Bianca

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On the subject of mistakes, we've all made more than a few. For me, the funniest one was sending a PM to a lovely traveling lady confirming that all was good to go for our appointment scheduled a few days later - only to have her remind me of our PM exchange a week prior regarding having to reschedule.


I'm just so damn happy I didn't wait until the (brain farted) appointed day and text her regarding the location information.



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