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Guest P*rry

Savannah: I see your point; nonetheless, Christy points match my thoughts.


My best times are definitely with someone who I felt was being genuine. Do I know for sure? No.

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Guest R**3*9

As someone who doesn't really know how to be anything but myself I don't quite understand how you could be anything else. Granted I'm surrounded by phoney people in my life. But, they are genuinely phoney. That's who they are, not trustworthy, undesirable to be around, yes, but that is who they are and that is genuine in itself.


I like what Cristy says. Genuine is a little complicated. Personally, I can be shy, I can be outgoing. I can be funny and I can be serious. I enjoy intimate sensuality and I like to explore my more adventurous side. I'm a homebody and I love to go out. It's all genuinely me. I think authenticity comes from your spirit and inhabits all aspects of your personality no matter which aspect is coming out at a given time.


With respect to how a lady presents herself? I would say just let people know who you are. Show your personality in your posts, ads, and other communication. I expect that way you will deter the kind of clients you would not like to meet and attract the kinds of clients you do want to meet.


I think that trying to be someone you're not would take a huge amount of energy, and to what end?? I'm getting tired just thinking about it.


Oh, I'm also lazy and yet quite driven to succeed in whatever I do.:razz:

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"This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."


From that, you can see it goes without saying that I much prefer the genuine article.


Communication beforehand tends to give a fair idea of what to expect at a first encounter with one of the wonderful CERB ladies and mostly enables me to make a good match for myself. Communication includes reading websites, posts etc. Experience using CERB helps too.


We all, in our daily lives, and especially our working lives, adopt a role to a greater or lesser degree and we continue to play in that role even in difficult circumstances. It is in this "role" context I assess my experiences. And that's a fact of life.


In most encounters there are two (sometimes 3) people intending to make the encounter as pleasurable as possible for each other. So, what does that take? And this is where the question of "faking it" comes into play.


Believe me, I'm not expecting to send any lady I choose to spend time with into a "never-before-experienced-ecstatic-orgasm". I do expect that I will be able to give her some degree of pleasure from my company by my behaviour and attitude towards her; by "being me".


And if my instincts have been "on", in terms of what I sense of the "character" (for want of a better word) of the person when I've made the decision to arrange a tryst with a particular SP, I get huge satisfaction from what I believe is a genuine experience of pleasure on their part from being in my company; from me "being me".


More often than not I have experienced that "never-before-experienced-ecstatic-orgasm". I mean. at my age, each one has to better than the last. Right?


And there have been occasions when there has been no orgasm achieved on my part. But, on account of the "character" of the lady I have been with it wasn't the crushing disappointment it would have been many years ago.


And finally, as I believe that your reach should exceed your grasp, I still live in hope of succeeding in giving one, maybe just one (I have to be realistic here!) of my future companions a "never-before-experienced-ecstatic-orgasm"


OK ladies - I've upped the ante here!!

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