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Dinner and Felina!

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One day last week I called Felina up to try and set-up a last minute appointment for that evening , but unfortunately she said she was busy , as a friend was coming over for dinner that evening. However 30 minutes later she texted back , and said her friend had to change her plans and could no longer make it so she was free and I could come for a visit if I still could, which I replied YES! 10 minutes later she texted again , and says hmmmm, would you like to come for dinner, as she had a gourmet dinner for two on , and she hated for it to go to waste....and after hearing the menu , and what was for desert I couldn't refuse.

I was greeted at the door by the lovely Felina in a nice gown, soft music, soft candle lights , and a glass of wine, and table set for two, and the wonderful aroma of food!! After a nice welcoming kiss , and due to the fact dinner would not be ready for another 30 mins , we decided to start with desert and headed off to the bedroom to work up our appetite!

Once desert was taken care of , we got dressed , and back to the dining room , and I was treated to some amazing food , great conversation, more wine, and plenty of teasing throughout....so much that a couple of times we almost headed back to the bedroom , but the food was so good we resisted the temptation ...my god she can be a tease, as I was hard throughout dinner!!...but the minute we finished the last bite we made our way slowly back to the bedroom kissing and groping and pulling off clothes as we went , leaving a trail of clothes in our wake!!

Needless to say desert was amazing , and I enjoyed a couple of servings until I was totally exhausted and couldn't take anymore!

On leaving I suggested that perhaps she start offering a session like this on a regular basis , which she said she might do, as she loves to cook , and she loves sex ! I can tell you her cooking skills are equal to her bedroom skills, and I was blown away by both!

I'm not sure what she would charge for a evening like this, as she gave me a deal as it was not planned, but I gave her just over twice her hourly rate , and I was there about 2.5 hrs + , and that was a incredible deal, as the meal and wine alone were worth well over $100!

Hopefully she starts to offer this on a regular basis, as I would definitely repeat this expierience.

Just thought I would share!

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Sounds like an evening to die for.

I think years ago Jade offered a session which included dinner.

Its a great idea if the lady likes to cook especially for out of towners who get tired of eating alone is some hotel restaurant.

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It truly was a amazing evening, and one I hope to repeat if she starts to offer this type of session, as it was truly a TRUE GFE type of encounter, and one I will never forget! Thanks Felina for the fantastic evening !!


Sounds like an evening to die for.

I think years ago Jade offered a session which included dinner.

Its a great idea if the lady likes to cook especially for out of towners who get tired of eating alone is some hotel restaurant.

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