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I have been thinking about doing a bit of specialization and focusing on the needs of dis/abled clients. A close friend of mine from high school has cerebral palsy and has a severe walking impairment. He was a virgin until he was 27. The unfortunate truth is that most people see the dis/abled as sexless, but they have needs like everyone else. So I'd like to be that open-minded individual who can help them reconnect with intimicy and learn to be sexual. Plus, I slept with my friend and it was some damn good sexin'.



Also, I feel that for me, this would be a way to reconnect to sex in different ways. Consider someone who is deaf/blind: you talk using the Deafblind Manual Alphabet, using touch to communicate.




I found this brilliant page on the subject: http://www.tlc-trust.org.uk/advice/page6.html



I'm wondering if anyone knows of any forums relating to sex workers and dis/abled clients? Where might one advertise?



Any ideas or suggestions appreciated!





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May I ask, out of PURE curiosity, why do you write it "dis/abled" instead of "disabled"? I like to keep current so I ask questions :D

BTW Erin, I think you're awesome!

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I also find I connect well with clients who are dis-abled/differently abled. I even put someting up on my website about it.


Erin, will I see you today? I have a really good book I can recommend.

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I actually drove 8 hours to see a 24 year old virgin with Cerebral Palsy a couple of months ago. He had emailed many other SPs, but apparently I was the only one who responded. We exchanged emails for months beforehand, due to his excitement and inexperience. When I finally got there, I met one of the sweetest, kindest and warmest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I mean this guy was an inspiration to me. He had nothing, (couldn't move his hands properly, couldn't walk and was wheelchair-bound for life). Yet, he rarely stopped smiling, he was generous and thoughtful and most importantly of all, I made a dear and special friend. It didn't occur to me, when I received his email, to say no. Just because he got a shitty hand dealt to him, in my mind, doesn't exclude him from needing to be held, caressed and cared for. I say do it Erin! Remember that each one has special needs, and one of those is to be touched. The disabled, I found, need it more than most.

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I think SP's who venture into the disabled world are great people with a kind heart.

Disabled people need sex just as much as normal people.

I know some nurses who give hand jobs to people who can't get out of bed, because other words the men get blue balls, which can be damaging to that area.

So even patient that are quads or para's need sexual release.

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Guest S***e



I find it laudable that you are making efforts to be inclusionary in your practise. Congrats!





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I'm just running through all the typical responses I'd expect from other, less-tolerant boards, and I'm starting to realize how this one is very different than the rest...


I remember when I was dancing in a strip club, and a guy with a badly-disfigured arm came in and sat down. He was a trucker who had read about tgirls, but just hadn't had the opportunity to meet one. The other girls avoided him like the plague, but I went over, chatted with him for a few minutes, and took him for a few dances in the back. He was so sweet, so shy, and so respectful - the polar opposite of some of the jerks who used to visit that place.


After the dances, he asked me if he could buy my panties from me! It was an unusual request, but I had a few extra pairs in my bag, so I gave him a pair to keep in his rig. The other girls were grossed out when I told them, but I thought it was a wonderful compliment; he wanted something to remember the experience, and all it cost me was a $6 pair of La Senza panties - a small price to give someone a few moments of happiness. Once in a while, I'll picture him driving in his truck, occasionally glancing at the glove box, knowing what's inside - and I can't help but smile. :)


Enjoying sex is a human desire. It exists independent of age, gender, tastes, dis/ability, or partner of choice; at the end of the day, all we really want is to enjoy that feeling of connection with another human being. That's all that really matters; the rest is just a matter of details. :)

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Thanks everyone for your positive comments and encouragement!


I'm just going to highlight on my site that I have no problem seeing dis/abled clients.




Additional Comments:

May I ask, out of PURE curiosity, why do you write it "dis/abled" instead of "disabled"? I like to keep current so I ask questions :D

BTW Erin, I think you're awesome!


It was written like that in one of my textbooks. I tried to find the article again, but I couldn't. And of course, I can't even remember the explanation for why they'd written it that way.

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Hats off to all of the ladies seeing past differences! In any industry, there are too few people that stop at the "disability".


Erin_xo, Yzabelle from Montreal also highlights as being "dis/abled friendly" (not her exact words).

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I have had 2 good regular clients who are Severely disabled. One was made a quadriplegic by a car accident and could only do daty and even had a special table made so that I could perch on it for him like a buffet and he could wheel up to it. I could also sit on his lap on the chair and feed my boobs to him but he wasn't capable of intercourse.


That just goes to show you how much sex is between the ears and how a man can enjoy having only oral satisfaction from giving. The other regular had CP and could enjoy intercourse but only with girl on top. He could also enjoy oral obviously. I have heard that in some European countries the disabled have escorts covered on their health care plans! What an awesome idea:bddog:

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I can't find the reference now but do recall reading Tasmania and Denmark addressing the sexual needs of the disabled as part of standard care.


I came across this TLC while trying to find the reference. Quite an interesting site.

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I am the guy that Soleil drove 8 hours in a 24 hour span, to see. she was the most amazing woman I have ever met. I have CP and have been confined to a wheelchair all my life. being 24, I was getting very concerned that I was always going to be a virgin. Having the chance to be with a person like Soleil, was the best expreince of my life. Just to have a woman who wants to spend time with me in an intimite was Unforgettable. I really feel that we have a conection I have never had a girlfriend but, I was made to feel very special. disabled people have urges just like anyone else, and people need to know this.

Masterbation is very hard for me, as well. I always have had lots of love to give, but have never had the chance to show it. during Our night. i did Not feel disabled al all. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It would be great if you worked with disabled clients. I have CP, and being with an sp has made my life worth living....

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May I ask, out of PURE curiosity, why do you write it "dis/abled" instead of "disabled"? I like to keep current so I ask questions :D

BTW Erin, I think you're awesome!


Sorry if I sound all academic-y...

It's a way of restructuring language to reduce stigma. The word "disability" implies a norm about people's ability, and suggests there's a standard for having "normal" abilities.


But when you think about it, we're all sitting on a spectrum of abilities. You have Olympic athletes at one end of the scale, people with severe physical impediments at the other, and most of us are somewhere in the middle. Some of us are in better or worse shape than others, some people need glasses or hearing aids or pacemakers or whatever, so when you think about it, there's no set standard for "ability" - which makes its opposite ("disability") impossible to define. But there's still a stigma around "disabled" because it implies a notable difference from the norm - rather than just a different point on the same spectrum.


Activists use dis/ability to remind us that the problems are primarily social, rather than personal. People of all abilities can contribute to society in meaningful ways (Steven Hawking being a prime example) but there are social barriers that make it hard for some people to access certain parts of society.


Anyways, there are probably others who can give you a better answer, but that's how I understand it... if anyone has anything to add, please do! :)

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First of all, cool on you and thanks for the link, I will check it out when I am done this.


Secondly, as a visually impaired person who uses a screen reader, this sight isn?t that bad as far as accessibility. Maybe partially operator error tonight though. lol


I would just like to say that even though I should get off my ass and mingle with the real folk, most of the girls I have talked to are very naturally in tune with people who are dealing with unfortunate obstacles. For example, if I get happy from smelling and, touching and listening, the real sensual and sexy girls can pick up on that. Sometimes, it is not the big fancy shoes, but simple bare feet and a cool laugh.


By the way, I am typing this in word, thus the big gaps.


As far as advertising to people who have a disability?I wouldn?t suggest going directly to a site where everyone there is in the same boat. The chicks would freak out. lol


Instead, just be up front in your ad and mention that people with a genuine disability, even ask for proof, get a discount as far as your travel expenses or something.


Thanks for making this thread.


Peace and go Canucks I guess.

I have been thinking about doing a bit of specialization and focusing on the needs of dis/abled clients. A close friend of mine from high school has cerebral palsy and has a severe walking impairment. He was a virgin until he was 27. The unfortunate truth is that most people see the dis/abled as sexless, but they have needs like everyone else. So I'd like to be that open-minded individual who can help them reconnect with intimicy and learn to be sexual. Plus, I slept with my friend and it was some damn good sexin'.



Also, I feel that for me, this would be a way to reconnect to sex in different ways. Consider someone who is deaf/blind: you talk using the Deafblind Manual Alphabet, using touch to communicate.




I found this brilliant page on the subject: http://www.tlc-trust.org.uk/advice/page6.html



I'm wondering if anyone knows of any forums relating to sex workers and dis/abled clients? Where might one advertise?



Any ideas or suggestions appreciated!





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But when you think about it, we're all sitting on a spectrum of abilities. You have Olympic athletes at one end of the scale, people with severe physical impediments at the other, and most of us are somewhere in the middle. Some of us are in better or worse shape than others, some people need glasses or hearing aids or pacemakers or whatever, so when you think about it, there's no set standard for "ability" - which makes its opposite ("disability") impossible to define. But there's still a stigma around "disabled" because it implies a notable difference from the norm - rather than just a different point on the same spectrum.



Main Entry: disabled

Function: adjective

Date: 1633

: incapacitated by illness or injury; also : physically or mentally impaired in a way that substantially limits activity especially in relation to employment or education




I am....I am color blind.........


This is something that limits my employment.......hinders my daily activicty.......



Nikki, something tells me that your persioanlity and education will help greatly on this board.


My hat goes off to each and every person who looks beyond any ones visable, or invisable, disability and engages them in living every moment in life!


Try something....take a pen in your hand....write your name with your dominate hand.......now put the pen in your other hand.....and do the same thing....


That is how some of us handle each day...a challange to be taken on....head on...no matter the end results.

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Just to have a woman who wants to spend time with me in an intimite was Unforgettable.


I hear ya buddy! I agree with you 100% - that is the absolute best feeling on the planet!


I'm so glad you got to experience it with Soleil, she seems like a really genuine, sweet, sensitive and caring person (not to mention - she's freakin' HOT!!!)


Most of us tend to take it for granted (myself included) that we aren't in Big AL's shoes and have 100% physical mobility... generally we don't think that in a fraction of a second, through something as simple as, for example, a slip and fall, we could lose it all... and maybe not be able to experience all of those things we love so dearly any longer.


It's really nice to see that there are people out there not taking these things for granted - especially these VERY lovely ladies we're hearing from in this post. Not only are they able to see past the stigma, but they're making it possible for more people to experience some of life's greatest pleasures, people who, for no really good reason, shouldn't be able to.


Hat's off to you ladies! Your beauty far exceeds your photo galleries.:sm185:

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Glad to see that in this superficial world human beings are still around. I can only imagine how hard it must be for them to ask for company regardless of paying for it or not. The fear of rejection must be so high. I am very taken aback by your genuine desire to provide companionship and pleasure to all. Everyone deserves to feel the warmth of a living touch.


Erin I may just come see you because of this post, and I am what society has called "normal", your honnesty is attractive.

Posted via Mobile Device

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Guest S***e

I have always been put off by the fact that certain segments of our society are shut out due to fear, ignorance and disdain as people are people regardless of who or what others perceive them to be. Throughout my life (60 plus years), I have had many friends who are not like me; they have been scarred from fires, accidents or even from abuse. They have been born missing limbs or with conditions such as cerebral palsy and others. For the most part these people have accepted their state and have moved on with their lives all while not seeking the sympathies of others merely acceptance. I am not the same as them; they are stronger, wiser and kinder.

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I am not the same as them; they are stronger, wiser and kinder.


So true Spike and so eloquently put. I learned a lot by seeing Big Al, and feel exactly this way about him.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
I have been thinking about doing a bit of specialization and focusing on the needs of dis/abled clients ...


"The Business of Sex" documentary that aired on CTV last year (27 March 2009) had one section where we met an escort and her disabled client. The situation was shown in a very postitive light. "The Business of Sex" was produced by doctv.com in association with CTV; I don't see it anywhere on-line, though.

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hey there,


I am new on this site, and just wanted to say that it is great. i am a 24 year old male who has Cerebral Palsy, and in a wheelchair. back in the month of Febuary I hired an SP to come and visit me. this was a very nervous time for me being a virgin and all, but also exciting. due to my disability, my speech is not great, but when talking to Soleil, she took the time to understand me, wow she was nice to me this lady was great. We talked for a long while, to get to know each other. it was amazing. throughout my life, i have like many girls but have been rejected. we all need love, and all of those sp's that work with disabled clients, are truly angles. I had lots of special needs, throught the night, and she helped me with everyone of them.... this meat a lot to me. she did not mind at all.

i cannont blaimm these girls who have rejected me, as there is a lot to my situation. Being sexy is something I find very hard to do. when I was with this sp, my disability was gone. she just treated be like a person. It took be awhile to save up my money because i am on income assitance and only get 372 dollars per month. It was soooo worth it. I would just like to thank this sp, she has shown me that even through i am disabled I am still able to be normal. I am not going to go into the deails of our night, because I am a getelemen, but let me tell you on thing, she was my 1st real kiss, and it made me melt..........


we will be getting together again in the furture, and I am counting the days,


comments please,

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hey there,


I am new on this site, and just wanted to say that it is great. i am a 24 year old male who has Cerebral Palsy, and in a wheelchair. back in the month of Febuary I hired an SP to come and visit me. this was a very nervous time for me being a virgin and all, but also exciting. due to my disability, my speech is not great, but when talking to Soleil, she took the time to understand me, wow she was nice to me this lady was great. We talked for a long while, to get to know each other. it was amazing. throughout my life, i have like many girls but have been rejected. we all need love, and all of those sp's that work with disabled clients, are truly angles. I had lots of special needs, throught the night, and she helped me with everyone of them.... this meat a lot to me. she did not mind at all.

i cannont blaimm these girls who have rejected me, as there is a lot to my situation. Being sexy is something I find very hard to do. when I was with this sp, my disability was gone. she just treated be like a person. It took be awhile to save up my money because i am on income assitance and only get 372 dollars per month. It was soooo worth it. I would just like to thank this sp, she has shown me that even through i am disabled I am still able to be normal. I am not going to go into the deails of our night, because I am a getelemen, but let me tell you on thing, she was my 1st real kiss, and it made me melt..........


we will be getting together again in the furture, and I am counting the days,


comments please,



You should write a recomendation for Soleil if you haven't already! She's a woman I'd like to meet myself :)


I'm so glad that you were able to find someone as fabulous as her for your first experience. May you have many more!

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thank you very much for that, Erin. Soleil, was the best I could ask for. a recommendation will be coming in a few days.

that is great if you are looking to help disabled clients. you will be making a guge difference for the better in their lives.


take care,

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Parkinsons - as most of you may already know - is a disorder of the brain that leads to shaking. A regular of mine unfortunately suffers from Parkinsons. We get along so well - he's the sweetest and most caring man I know.


Hearing him tell me and seeing with my own eyes that I make the twitching & shaking slow down and some times even stop is the best feeling in the world.



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