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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/10 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    World Food Day 16 October World Food Day was proclaimed in 1979 by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It marks the date of the founding of FAO in 1945. The aim of the Day is to heighten public awareness of the world food problem and strengthen solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. In 1980, the General Assembly endorsed observance of the Day in consideration of the fact that "food is a requisite for human survival and well-being and a fundamental human necessity" (resolution 35/70 of 5 December 1980). I really believe that contributing to causes like this one is an obligation out of solidarity. And It Starts at Home.....let's help our fellow Canadians...there are tons of Food Banks to drop a non-perishable item that will make someone less hungry. After our Canadian Brothers and Sisters are fed, we can go to another countries.... Hope to see you at the Food Bank or Kitchens (I like to volunteer and St. Joe is a great place to also offer your services, and help the wonderful volunteers there to feed others who can not afford it. (St Joe is on Laurier, almost accross Ottawa U) Bye for now LoraLee;-)
  2. 2 points
    Why ask a stripper if she turn tricks , there are lots of SP here that look amazing . If you are looking for FS dont go to a strip joint where u have to pay 7$ for a beer and spend 100$ on lap dance. You just get a SP out for diner and get back to her room .You will have a good nite you will not get drunk you will not loose your licence and you will have money the next day. The difference betwen dancer and SP is that you know how mutch its gona cost you with the SP
  3. 1 point
    I am not sure I can agree with that. Dancers pay a hefty fee to the club that they dance and for most part it is for protection. That is why they have bouncers there to protect the ladies and also ensure that they are not cheated out of their money. So, I am not sure it is as risky as escorting besides the amount of dollars in question is much less than escorts (average $40 to $60). I think the reason for this culture (related to dancing) is that upfront nobody knows how many songs it is going to be. Sometimes I plan on two songs and then I enjoy the lady so much that I keep her for 5+ songs and sometimes I stopped right after the first song depending on many factors (only will be known during the dance) such as hygiene, open mindedness, personality,....
  4. 1 point
    Loralee!!! Is awesome that you post something like this reminding us to help others. I want to include here a list of the items that are most-needed - Canned fish, meats & stews - Peanut butter - Jam - Macaroni & Cheese - Tomato Sauce - Canned vegetables & fruit - Cereal (whole grain) - Cooking Oil - Dry pasta & sauce - Baby diapers - Baby Formula - Household products - Juice (boxes or cans) - Legumes (canned or dried) - Personal hygiene products - Rice - Nutritious snacks - Soup As many of you may already know Metro, Loblaws and Independent grocery stores have red bins collecting this items so cerb people let's all help ;)
  5. 1 point
    I have to wonder why us guys have such a hard time listening to the ladies here. They give great advice. Look at the recommendations contact the lady in question and see what her limits are. I guess men don't like doing homework but it works. Before I started on CERB and took the advice of fine ladies like Megan my experiences were hit and miss. Adverts that were warm and open only to meet a woman that didn't want to do anything that was advertised. Now I read the reviews then pm the lady in question have a bit of a conversation and if there is a click. I also read the posts of the ladies and wow charming and funny. It works :). Thanks ladies. If you are interested in a particular service find interesting ladies as them about the service and see if they provide. If you take the time and find the right ladies you will get more than you expected not less. This has been my experience.
  6. 1 point
    I think it's pretty ridiculous when someone tries to equate an age difference with incest. I love older men and I've had a few people tell me: "He's old enough to be your father!" to which I reply: "Yeah I know, and your boyfriend/husband is old enough to be your brother. Pretty sick!" That usually shuts them up :)
  7. 1 point
    Here is a noble idea... start treating it like any other business!! Accept that is is a LEGITIMATE industry and is NOT going anywhere! We all know that in places where the law is more strict this business is still very much alive - just a lot more underground. Look at the USA and the recent issue with CL. Hundreds of thousands of ads in a place where it is very much illegal to be or use a prostitute. The investigative reporters from CNN placed an ad and within a few minutes started to be SWAMPED with phone calls... Hmmm... Looks like those laws are working!! We also know that in places around the world where the governments legalize it with "Restrictions" people are still breaking the law (People do not like to be told how to run their business - especially when the business is a persons own body and not some store bough item off the shelf!) If the goal is to PROTECT the women (and all prostitutes as male and she-male prostitutes should be equally considered in this) we need to make stronger laws against actual abusive people! Pimps, Bad dates, stalkers, rapists, murders, etc... (people who are currently attracted to this business because the laws make it easier for them to be abusive as the ladies are often afraid to go to the authorities) If it was all legal (decriminalized) the ladies can REPORT violent offenders to the police without worry that they will be arrested!!!! We need stiffer laws to deal with these people however as they are just let back on the street and become MORE abusive to that same person (or others). I bet a lot of the fear the ladies have against testifying against a actual abusive pimp or bad date is that the abusive person will be let back out on to the streets and could come back after them! Since the ladies place ads to see clients this would give the abusive person a way to easily locate them again... and the law does nothing to help protect these ladies. Do you know how many rapes, beatings, thefts, etc... take place in this industry that go unreported?? How many violent offenders target prostitutes and these things go UNREPORTED because of the fear the ladies have of the police!! Law makers need to consider this stuff before they put pen to paper or they need to be held accountable for rights violations that push people into dangerous situations like this. It's not that these businesses attract more offenders - the laws just make them easy prey for these violent offenders to target because of the current LAWS! Any MORAL crusader reading this??? I am sure with the current laws being challenged that many of you are reading sites like this to try to dig up more dirt! You should consider that no mater what laws are this industry will exist ... Stop thinking they are lesser human being than you!! You are not a nice human being yourself if you think you are any better then anyone else! These are REAL people (Flesh and blood) just like you and me (Not a lesser person as you like to make the people out to be) and by implementing laws that take away these PEOPLES rights you are making them easy PREY for these violent offenders and I hope you can sleep at night when you read about people like Robert Pickton In my books... you are no better then the predators, pimps and drug pushers as you would be forcing the sex workers right into the open arms of these horrible people! It's a shame that you don't stop for a minute and realize how ignorant you are being and how you have fallen victim to 1000 year old propaganda. ? Grouping stuff like sex slavery and underage prostitution into ONE THING and trying to rally people to get behind your crusade is sad!! Go after the sex slavery and child prostitution, go after the gangs and the pimps... we will all be on your side with you!! When you group everyone together your being unrealistic and just using a legitimate fight to fuel a mob of crusader for your ulterior motives. With the internet this type of CRUSADING is coming to an end!! The laws DO NOT stop it from happening - instead stricter laws push the industry down (underground) where gangs, pimps and predators are waiting and this just creates much more unsafe conditions! NOTHING is going to STOP IT and the moral crusaders who think laws will stop it from happening are very much mistaken. NEW LAWS? We have laws to protect people from being abused, slaved, forced to do something against their will (Prostitution related or not what is the difference?? BAD PEOPLE ARE BAD PEOPLE) ... we have laws against drug dealers, gang members... we even have laws that say you can't just operate a business on the side of the street wherever you please. Why single out prostitutes like they are lesser human beings or doing something that is bringing harm to others? They are bringing happiness to others! HAPPINESS! That is what they are selling - sex is good - most of us in this world REALLY love it... we also like to be close to other people, be intimate. You want new laws?? Try making better laws for municipalities (towns/cities) some sort of judicial review of new by-laws ensuring that the laws are not moral based and do not take rights away from a individual. If prostitution is made completely legal (Decriminalized) the municipalities who already try to abuse this power by placing "Escort" licenses trying to say that these licenses are not for prostitution (Who the hell are they kidding)... if it's legalized this is going to skyrocket out of control as they will no longer need to PRETEND the a escort and a prostitute are not the same!! If this starts to happen I will personally start helping to organize groups of advocates who will sue individuate municipalities for this sort of illegal behavior! Any "Prostitution" based law specific to this industry is going to take away the chartered rights of the PERSON who has chosen to be in this business willingly. Every business has crooks and bad people... bad employers and even abusive employers! Because of the laws it attracts these seedy people more as the industry is pushed underground. Bad media, moral crusaders and self righteous people can no longer make outlandish claims against sex workers. Thanks to the internet we all talk now, the truth is being told and the false propaganda can no longer attack us all. Smart people simply go online and find places like cerb on Google and educate themselves ... and is why we have less and less moral crusaders and bullshit propaganda these days as people are smart enough to seek the truths and not beleive the crazy moral crusaders!! The law makers and politicians (or at least the assistants of these people) will research this industry when making these new laws ... and rest assured they are going to read stuff online like we have here on cerb that shows the entire industry in a positive light. Making laws against prostitution will not protect anyone - it will put people in harms way. It will not stop it from happening. It's the oldest profession for a very good reason!
  8. 1 point
    You know what Amanda! you are right, we don't speak the same language. By the way,I'm not your sweety,thanks:rolleyes: Amelia had asked you earlier to "stop hijacking threads in order to berate clients" I will quote you again, and you state "The ladies in the industry are not interested in having sexual fun" (it is right below quote 2). All I know, is that the ladies that I spend time with, are very interested in sexual fun. Could you stop making comments that generalize other people, and move on to the topic at hand which was,:confused::confused: oh ya, Breasts. Now in your opening thread you already stated (quote 1) the below quote.....so can we move on! Im so happy about this thread! 1) In my female body! Breasts are a wonderful source of pleasure, but only if you care to find out how i would like you to touch mine. If you grab it hurts, please dont! If you jump into suking my nipple it hurts like hell dont do that either. Just ask the lady, how would you like me to eroticise your body? We usually want to have a good time with you. At least i do! Been an attentive caring lover can lead us to have multiple orgasms with you! Whereas been rough with our delicate parts leads us to think of you as repulsive and annoying. Thank you for this thread awesome idea! 2)Angela i respect your constructive criticism thus thank you for taking the time to teach me. Although i dont understand why is it wrong to say. I dislike mechanic sex under the cathegory of 'service', i wish someone would explain it. I hear clients tell me very often ''the ladies in the industry are not interested in having sexual fun''. But if if i have a chance i would why not? I think sex it is luxury and luxuries should be enjoyed! But for sure when i notice that a gentleman does not have my best erotic interest in mind i just make sure to give him the service for i understand that he is not in love with me thus he does not have the obligation to please me. And like you said I am getting paid! But i wish erotic sensual generosity was also in their agenda, in Brazil we love to party and have fun!
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