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Everything posted by laidbackdude

  1. GB Event with the lovely Livy Cool, next Thursday December 6 at 6:45, downtown location. PM me for details.
  2. Gang Bang Party with Livy next Thursday, September 20 at 4:30. RSVP by PM please.
  3. Bukkake Event with a spectacular independent SP this Wednesday May 9 at 5. BBBJ with the common objective of COF.
  4. I am getting tired of the gang bang scene, I think that multiple mf combinations might be more interesting for the future.
  5. hey guys and girls, any recommendation for a SP who offers this treat?? You can PM me if you have any suggestions. Thanks
  6. Hey Jade, perfect date and time, looking forward to the party.
  7. Sophie, thank you for organizing. I will do my best to join in the fun.
  8. I know many fantastic and beautiful sp who offer amazing PSE, including greek, but on the understanding that YMMV, whose service would include rimming (giving).
  9. Special Activity for Newbies! As some of you know, I have organized a few parties over the years, but this time I am considering organizing a GB for newbies - those of you who have been curious but not active. LMK who would be interested. If the interest is there, I could contact one of our fine ladies.
  10. Hey Dorinda, fantastic news! I would love to attend your party!
  11. Hi everyone, I am thinking about having people over at my place for an event sometime in the upcoming weeks or early next month, for the regulars and to any newbies who feel like attending and especially if new ladies want to try a group thingGirls get in touch with me!
  12. A reminder that I will be hosting a poly group party on April 22 starting at around 7:30. All members of the poly group are welcomed .... and a special invitation to all of our fav girls.
  13. Hey girls and guys, things are looking up for the April 22 party. There is a lot of interest show so far. The concept is for members of this group to get together at my place for drinks and munchies and conversation. Whatever happens between folks is up to you so you might want to be ready for everything and anything. Guys, come ready to play. If it turns into a big orgy, then no complaints from me.
  14. NEW DATE for the Poly Party. As it turns out April 1 was causing some scheduling difficulties for too many people. A party of like minded people in our poly group will be held on April 22. PM me for details!
  15. April Fool's Party! To all of the girls and guys who live a judgement free life and have celebrated the liberating sensation of group sex, I will be hosting a April Fool's Day Party at my place. For details, PM me.
  16. If the dates work out, my place might be available for the next event!! Organizers, just let me know ... maybe for the next one with Belladonna as the star marquee attraction??
  17. Just to let all of you know that Dorinda was absolutely PSE incredible at her last event!!! If I can make it for the 11th, I'll be there for sure.
  18. Welcome Katedot, judging by your awesome pic, please would be all ours!
  19. Thanks for sharing, its important info and a good reminder. That being said, 'reasonable personal use' of a government cell phone just means that there is a certain level of tolerance that the government has on how employees use their equipment, i.e. occasional calls to tell someone you're late, going somewhere, etc.,
  20. This is turning out to be a really busy week and I have out of town guests visiting. I won't be able to host as I thought I would because a friend is crashing at my place this week. If my friend was into GBs, there would be no problems, but somehow I think that's not going to happen (lol). But if I can escape for a couple of hours, I'll join you at the social event on the 2nd. Sophie, you look good!
  21. I'm in for July 2, and would be willing to host at my downtown home.
  22. It seems like we have all of our numbers for tomorrow night's social with Sabrina, and I also think that e-mailed each one of you or PMd you with the location and details, but in case, I haven't just PM me.
  23. I'm in for the lunch time event on July 2, I will contact you for details.
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