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Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Elle

  1. I'm just waiting to get approved for the SP area. It appears that the mod hasn't been online since last night though.
  2. They get tested, but that's about it, and to be truthful it really isn't much of a help. STDs run rampent in the porn industry. You might remember Sharon Mitchell from her porn movies many years ago. She went on to get her phd and started AIM a health care foundation for adult performers. This is a quote from an interview she did on court tv: Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation http://www.aim-med.org/ If you are considering doing porn, I highly suggest visiting the site for info. Aside from health info, she has a lot of advice to offer about the porn industry.
  3. Why not? Well, you can't sell what others are giving away for free. There are a few that I have known over the years that have made a few bucks here and there, but I dont think they could make a living strictly off of it. The ones that were the most sucessful were strippers who did extras on the side.
  4. American - Man on sofa, girl on TV. ;)
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