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Carrie Moon

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Carrie Moon

  1. Really.. you could be saying the same thing about Facebook or twitter... you said it yourself. It's a reflection of society.. BUT assuming that people who 'like' each other's posts or generally agree positively about the same thing online doesn't mean at all that they 'have no life'. Plus.. in reality? Most of my clients and same with many sp's are not even cerb members. Yes many cerb members stick to 'cerb' girls.. but we don't necessarily stick to just cerb clients.. You seem generally disillusioned right now and we all have those days/weeks/months or years even. But your reality is what You choose it to be.. here, there and everywhere... Starting out a thread basically telling people what's wrong with them.. will get them to 'white night' for themselves and each other. That's human nature. Isn't there enough bullying and bashing online and in real life as it is? So we like to come here to see friends.. whether we only know them online or have met in person. What's wrong with that? Keep in mind.. this is the only board I've known of where we have such a community. To you it's a virtual one.. but I personally know about 50-100 people on here.. in real life! I"m not the only one.. Some of the members are literally by best girlfriends in real life. It's a rarity I"m sure for any online board (besides Facebook of course where I know all of my FB friends in real life).
  2. I do offer this service.. details are on my site :) Bianca Jaguar does as well.
  3. I too fall into the category of posting ads infrequently.. due to cost only.. If clients assume I'm not available on days I don't post ads I wouldn't work! Because bp keeps the ad alive it still shows up from specific searches I'm available basically 7 days/week.. and post my hours.. I find guys usually find me from my pics on BP or by search features. ie. mature, tall, brunette.. something like busty probably doesn't narrow down the search much :P so It's useful to put whatever makes you stand out normally in your ad.
  4. ha ha.. you must sit in the corner with a dunce cap on :)
  5. Carrie Moon

    dec2013 001

    love this! so cute and naughty
  6. Carrie Moon

    dec2013 007

  7. Carrie Moon


    From the album: March 2014

  8. Carrie Moon


    From the album: March 2014

  9. Carrie Moon


    From the album: March 2014

  10. Carrie Moon

    Polka dots

    From the album: March 2014

  11. Carrie Moon

    Pearl Necklace

    From the album: March 2014

  12. Carrie Moon


    From the album: March 2014

  13. I've had this experience 2 or 3 times with clients over the years where they use Islamic law to invoke a 'temporary marriage' for the purposes of seeing me. They actually say prior to touching me 'we are married' and after the session.. 'we are divorced' or something to that effect.. to me of course it's laughable.. but hey whatever works for them. If only we could satisfy all the religious zealots with this simple ritual :) http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3748/uk-islamic-temporary-marriages But no.. I don't think that if only single men saw escorts that the law would change. Puritanical christian beliefs still prohibit pre-marital sex..never mind with a variety of partners. A polyamorous society is a long way off in my opinion.. but yes.. sounds like a plausible scenario where the stigma would be removed. Some wonderfully communicative marriages are not only encouraging of their partner seeking sexual pleasure outside of the relationship.. occasionally I'm lucky enough to participate with a couple together in their exploration. That's always fun!
  14. I can't think of any situation in which I would send a client to the bathroom to finish the job.. unless it were a domme situation.. that scenario was/is often used esp in a parlour where no ejaculation is allowed. BUT sounds like this was a 'full service' escort session. There are a couple things that don't make sense to me. An agency is usually very strict about time. Letting an appt go 30 min over is unheard of without asking for further compensation of funds. I would think either the agency has little experience and/or the lady herself. re: manipulation.. I don't think it's necessary to paint all escorts with the same brush.. but on the other hand I think it's easy for reputable ladies who only keep company with other reputable ladies to forget that manipulation certainly takes place with tons of other companions. This is one reason I could never be a stripper.. no offense to strippers but the schmoozing I've seen take place makes me cringe. The up-selling etc.. Just because you think you've made a great connection with someone doesn't mean they aren't acting 100% for your benefit. Just being devil's advocate here.. of course I don't know the lady in question nor was I there during the encounter as a 'fly on the wall'. If she's very inexperienced which she may be.. I suppose this could all be a misunderstanding but I do feel that it's her job (literally) to be conscious of the time 1) and 2) to assist your orgasm in person and 3) within the allotted time.. all things being equal. If I have 60 min never mind 90 this almost always always always can easily be accomplished. The only time this doesn't happen is when a guy is continually in his head.. ie worrying about something else and can't achieve orgasm.. but we definitely both gave it our best. If a client is able to get erect but can't seem to 'get off' because of the condom or he's not quite erect to maintain it for penetration I will usually encourage him to release on my chest or assist him with a handjob. If that doesn't work sometimes I will encourage him to finish by hand for sure.. but never do I send him to do it himself in the bathroom. Heck some of the hottest orgasms are from mutual masturbation or just a bunch of dirty talk while I lie on my back encourage him with my tits as a landing place. Sorry but something is off in this scenario to me.. I would write it off as a lovely time in your memory and move on to another lady if I were you... that's my nickle (2 cents accounting for inflation :P)
  15. One thing that I'm pretty certain makes slut-shaming of escorts from non escort females.. is a type of jealousy that underlies their fear that all their husband/boyfriend or potential mates have to do.. is make a quick phone call to book an escort and be unfaithful with (likely) zero consequences. With so many statistics of cheating spouses and cheating spouse websites.. this is commonplace anyway.. and you can easily view the drama on a number of reality shows or Jerry Springer type shows how volatile the cheated on party reacts. The fear of infidelity (ownership of a human being from another perspective) and tied to the marriage 'vows' and religious dogma.. adds to their belief that being 'betrayed' gives them the right to display 'the wrath of a woman scorned'. My female non-escort friends are very secure in the knowledge that I'm not 'after their man' and easily trust me.. but I think in general that it taps into the fears of insecure jealous woman that we are 'filthy whores' and can distance themselves from us with this mentality. If we don't exist we aren't a perceived threat... Having been previously a very devout religious person prior to entering this profession (I'm spiritual now.. but definitely not religious and happier for it) I used to be one of those people into slut-shaming for religious beliefs.. boy have things changed for me! But for all the previously mentioned reasons in this thread.. if we can label someone 'dirty' by connotation of the word.. we can distance ourselves and judge openly in an effort to curb the activity. Making it illegal in many countries and parts of it illegal in most just helps justify these types of opinions. Even in Australia where it's legal they still have laws (or perhaps by-laws rather) to preclude certain types of activities in certain states.. ie no BBBJ in Queensland I believe. In the states not even the whole of Nevada is it legal.. only in Pahrump outside of Vegas.. It's so hypocritical! If religion weren't such a major selling point in the political arena with voters there wouldn't be as much stigma in my opinion. Candidates are usually sure to pander to the puritans and increase the stings esp in the US around election time to satisfy the 'burn the witch at the stake' types. We become the scapegoats to appease the religious hypocrites for a while. Speaking of the history of witch burning.. most witches were women who tried to take their own health into their own hands with herbs and nutrition.. advising others to their own knowledge and power. Medicine being a mostly patriarchal business didn't appreciate that.. some similarities there.. and again of course religion being the excuse to discriminate and punish.. literally to death. I do think in the last couple decades though we have advanced the stigma by leaps and bounds. Having been in the business for a quarter century I've seen it for sure. I know several who work in the business though who still feel a strong need to hide what they do.. and it's so unfortunate. Of course many men who visit escorts can't be open either! But then again.. it adds to the titillation factor doesn't it really? A 'walk on the wild side' is part of the thrill of doing something naughty :P
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions and pms.. I actually got this laptop from futureshop online for less than $300 and a great deal included with a wireless printer. I'll try the reinstall tomorrow.. I ended up going bra shopping today :)
  17. This is likely due to the lesser needs for pesticides on their grapes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_wine ``Due to the high altitude and low humidity of the main wine producing regions, Argentine vineyards rarely face the problems of insects, fungi, molds and other grape diseases that affect vineyards in other countries. This allows cultivating with little or no pesticides, enabling even organic wines to be easily produced.[4]`` I have tried recently a Fuzion organic malbec cabernet. I quite liked it. only $13 http://lcbo.com/lcbo-ear/lcbo/product/searchResults.do?ITEM_NAME=FUZION+ORGANIC+MALBEC+CABERNET&ITEM_NUMBER=&language=EN
  18. I provide tease and denial, CFNM, domination. I could definitely assist you with your fantasy scenario.
  19. ack! I said happy birthday to you by text, twitter, skype, facebook. But forgot here! Happy Birthday! xo
  20. Sure.. I understand.. offer stands to help you with blogger.. or you could consider a 2ndary site with godaddy for the $12 just to host videos :)
  21. at godaddy you can buy a site with domain, hosting and basic website setup for $12 for the year! why bother with free templates and then hosting elsewhere. I've used them for several years and their customer service has been great. Alternatively I have used blogger and uploaded videos in the past.and if I had problems uploading videos I don't recall what were the issues.. but I think I may have had with format. They are hosted on google as far as I recall.. but I rarely use them there. I will look into it for you if you need help Summer.. but really the godaddy option is the best. Just pick personal site at $1/month and add a domain at the same time which they will include for free. If you already have the domain and want to move it you'd need to likely contact them first to be sure you do it correctly. Wix is not adult friendly and can pull your site at any time.. FYI. Good luck! Carrie.
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