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Carrie Moon

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Carrie Moon

  1. I too have never had any issue visiting clients at the Lord Elgin hotel.
  2. For me..Absolutely! I think this is normal. For almost anything you do.. even cooking for someone. I enjoy my meal more if the people I cook for enjoy it enthusiastically.
  3. sexy pose.. and love your shoes!
  4. I wear them by request.. I think most ladies would be willing to accomodate such a request.. and if they don't have a pair, you can bring some.. they are easy to get at dollarama though.
  5. This reminds me of an encounter with one of my regular clients. I was blowing him and my long hair was swiping his thighs and balls.. He mentioned afterwards how nice it was. 24 years ago when I first started working at an agency and their main blonde left, they asked me to go blond. I was very new to escorting and when I was so popular as a tall buxom blond I naturally assumed this was partly why. 10+ years ago I went back to my natural brown and found a whole crop of clients who preferred it.. I have found some particular about hair color.. but many weren't at all. I guess I prefer brunettes.. tall, dark and handsome.. but my longest relationships were with blonds so go figure.. no real preference. Handsome is handsome.
  6. I actually find stills a lot of work. Staying stiff in an uncomfortable position to get the right shot is almost harder.. I love the results though. I started with some magazines and I also had to assist the photographer with the light meter. Very time consuming as well. In order to get 250 shots that they end up choosing 25 from it takes about 2-3 hrs for one shoot. In both cases there's a lot of prep as well.. whereas with escort appts there's 15-20 min most times (assuming shower is already done of course).
  7. Honestly I think the fetish porn is the best avenue at this point. Clients there have very specific interests and will send you script ideas. I really only do custom videos now and then post them on clips4sale if they appeal to a larger viewing audience as well. With specific and fetish requests they can't get what they want on free sites as much so you have a niche in that case. It's very hard otherwise to compete with 'free' :) I constantly have fans asking when I'm going to shoot more porn but they are 95% the ones who view it on free sites so they don't hire me for custom. Then I also have the rare client who wants to shoot himself in a video.. that works well for me for an extra fee.
  8. re: Haggling. The only time I've seen someone enjoy haggling is on the beaches or in markets of third world countries where people are hawking their wares. The first time I saw it I was uncomfortable.. then I got used to it.. but I never initiate a haggle.. I say no.. but if I look a bit wistful.. they inevitably start the process and I eventually get over my discomfort and a price is set that I can't refuse. Because let's face it.. this issue isn't about negotiation. I think we've clarified that what insults is the haggle. As a brand new unknown client you've got no position with which to negotiate. Even negotiation in the true sense of the word isn't something we look forward to unless like has been well pointed out there's also something to gain for us.. like a retainer client. Now within the sex industry.. haggling is what most of us associate with streetwalkers and pimps.. getting the quickest amount of money in the shortest amount of time for drugs. Not one woman will get herself excited to have you visit with her if you've successfully haggled her to a lower price. In fact most will blacklist you. BUT you who like to haggle won't care about that? You'll just go on to the next girl til you find one who will. That's okay! Doesn't mean because you found your 'gem' who is willing to haggle that it's something now to be admired.. for you not to be ridiculed. You still will be! If you say you can't afford a service and she offers to lower her price.. good for the 2 of you. I don't do that.. and most of the ladies I know don't either.. but hey good for you. Win/win. Believe me when I tell you though.. she would have been much happier if you paid her rate. Is she happy to have your business at all? Are things tough for her? Maybe and probably. It's still a win/win.. so there you go. Isn't that all you really wanted? (I"m speaking to hagglers only). You have the freedom. No-one is saying you don't. Meg was saying it was unacceptable to her. It's unacceptable to the large majority of us. Want that to change? It won't. You will be blacklisted.. the large majority of us find it distasteful, disrespectful and un-arousing. Is it going to educate a haggler not to be one? perhaps.. but doubtful. Most of us want clients who not only pay our rate.. but do so happily. My greatest clients are so grateful for our time spent together that they never bring up my rate even to say 'you're worth every penny'. You've got to remember.. you will always find someone in almost any line of work willing to haggle or negotiate with you if that's what you enjoy. BUT even someone selling a house can be offended by a low-ball offer. Never by a larger one.
  9. I have shot a fair bit of porn both here in Canada and in LA. Some of it (like the rest of life) I enjoyed and some I did not. What I mostly dislike about porn that differs from escorting is the extreme lighting that is needed on set.. it gets very very hot and you end up covered in sweat by the time the shoot is over. Also you need to get a good 10-15 min or more sometimes of each position rather than just going with the flow and enjoying yourself. Most partners on set I met 5 minutes before shooting. Most were great to work with... and I met some fantastic people who welcomed me with open arms to the industry before I had 'proven' myself.. so that was a really pleasant aspect. I loved my time in LA.. pornstar karaoke being my favorite weekly venue on a Tues night. Porn doesn't pay well compared to escorting now.. especially with the all the free downloading so I don't keep up with it much. Running my own porn site was way more work than it was worth so I don't do that either anymore. I've seen many sites come and go so other people in the industry have found the same thing but many keep trying. In order to make a living you really have to shoot content that is available new online every single day. The sites that still do well upload new content 3 times or more/day to keep their subscribers happy. I enjoy my escorting business more for that reason alone.. I can relax.. one-on-one or 2-on-one :) in the privacy of my big cool A/C room with my comfy king size bed.
  10. Carrie Moon


    I'm a short skirt wearer all summer long as well... and indoors all year round :)
  11. May baby here.. guess what.. I'm a pornstar :) lol.. guess it was meant to be.
  12. There are actually quite a few...I'm 49 :)
  13. Carrie Moon

    You're super cute and sexy all rolled into one :)
  14. Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest and most gorgeous girls I've ever had the pleasure to know :) oxoxo
  15. They also can say easily.. `put in the slot`. If they don`t.. I usually say it if they seem up for a joke.
  16. re: YMMV.. one sp I used to follow always said in her tagline. It's always YMMV. If you require otherwise.. go here https://www.realdoll.com/
  17. I have been to sweden, holland, denmark etc in the north and my family is from holland so I enjoyed that.. but I absolutely love spain and greece.. barcelona for sure.. and ibiza. I enjoyed Milan also and didn't really get to see much else in Italy at that time as I was on a limited budget backpacking etc and there was a train strike at that time.. but if you can get yourself to some of the greek islands.. do so!
  18. So sorry for you loss hun :( big warm hugs..
  19. Danielle.. I know it gets frustrating.. and some days it seems only guys texting to ask for specific non-menu services.. anal, cim, rimming, bbbj.. etc etc.. and it can wear on you. I don't offer any of those things.. and haven't for over 20 years.. and believe me.. I too get clients who love my CBJ. With a condom on neither I nor my client has any fears and we can really let go! which is not to say that this isn't true with those who do BBBJ. I have several friends who offer BBBJ and in duos I fucking love watching them suck a cock. It's my dirty fantasty cum true.. in so many ways.. and the clients and my duo partners respect my desire to use a condom so I can truly be my naughty ranchy self in my own way.. and we always have a great time.. so as many others have echoed.. it's all about the attitude. Respect goes a very long way.. more so than a menu list.. And actually most of my duo partners who do offer this don't even see guys who ask! They have no menu listed and are offended by the question.. as if they are providing a pizza order and they are the pizza toppings requested.
  20. Al.. calling to let the person know they're on your radar doesn't do any good. The appt is still missed.. People who do this are just selfish and/or self-important. What good does it do to confront them. I just move on and let it go.. put them in my phone as a no call/no show (nc/ns) and don't let them rebook without a deposit. Focusing on the negative of it only adds more discomfort.
  21. Good question re: head size.. If the head is large I personally don't like it to go repeatedly in and out at the edge.. just keep it inside where it fits well.. I may be a large girl but my pussy and canal is small.
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