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Everything posted by d*mm*y

  1. Katland or Gem or ?? it's a hot picture wish I was there kind of scene;
  2. And if you are a fan of the wet look this one of Lolita is hard to go by without stopping in for a peak!
  3. And you prefer classy non wet look here it is (I couldn't make up my mind)
  4. one of my favortie cerb pics and a great lady to boot the lovley Bijeaux and man can she work that azz;
  5. And who could forget the best album award!! She is rather exotic!!
  6. Not really my idea of a sexy back but who knows :D I do love the silly stuff!..!! Justin Timberlake eat your heart out "I want my sexy back" I think this guy took it :D
  7. ready to go is an understatment!! For sure one of my favorite posses!!
  8. K I am week in the knees and melting ,ay have to take a break BRB :jackoff:
  9. What grewat pose!! How do I find this lady? (besides sexy you jerks!!)
  10. another on the to do list! (it's a longish list but a lot shorter than the been done list)
  11. that is a great pic for sure best of cerb matterial!! Thanks Red
  12. I was supprised the first time I saw her, in person she reminded me of a high school chear leader (in all the right ways get your minds out of the gutter!!)
  13. A goood Catch brother, she has a fantasic rear end, and the rest of her is very awsome too!!
  14. She is on my to do list!! Does she still have the golden locks because that is part of hte appeal :D
  15. one of the hotest little asses I have had the pleasure to DP (Thanks Rob butt a little less vigorus next time!!)
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