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Posts posted by d*mm*y

  1. Gees HotStuffHeidi if the Greek was the only thing you found difficult to take than maybe I underestimated u!!!


    And if a woman has an ugly ass I am into the Greek thing, see if asked it's cause I thought it was nice.


    I did make the statement a little on the edgy side to get the readers attention and make a point about being to graphic. And I forgot to mention the spanking thing.

  2. If I like the way they look I usually book a half hour. Then if everything was alright (it is always a little weird the first time hi nice to meet you lets f**K)

    If I want a repeat I will be very specific about what I want and wirte something like this:


    "hi thanks for seeing me I think your hot blah blah blah,

    can you confirm what might be on the menu for future meetings, I am interested in but necessary require BBBJ, CIM, Swalow, Greek, 69, 71 DATY MPSOG, couples showering, a nice massage. Also if you have any specialties that I might not have experienced perhaps you can mention them.

    I am free the following days and would like to meet for an hour."


    This generally get 2 reactions


    1. here is whats on the menu ... here is the best time for me in the dates requested.


    2. I don't know what half those things are?


    I think the key is to meet someone for the first time give them some space and let them do it the way they are used to doing it (they do it regularly they usually have a way they are most comfortable doing things) Then if things seemed OK and they weren't totally groused out by me, i felt there was something to build on I follow up.

  3. 2 things, I love the cat fights, I am not interested in seeing sp's or mp's that engage in the activity.


    So if your goal is to provide mindless entertainment for me on this board free of charge keep it up and I am sure that I will many years to look forward to this. However if your interest in getting me support you through patronage and spending cash with you than take the higher road.


    Of course my cash cannot keep you in business alone but I think most people feel the same way even if it is only sub conscious. Many readers may just be disappointed in the reading and move on (not me I love it just doesn't help your cash flow).

  4. patients is the key also try txt messaging seems to work very well usually get a response within an hour or 2. One thing I have been guilty of is getting to desperate try 10 number and settling for number 10, then you get there and it is not what you wanted but you know there is no other choice right now. Like the ING guy says save your money you can wait until tomorrow and see the one you really want!

  5. Like always it depends on what you are into, Janeva is working weekends again, Veronika is back, page is back. Or you could try someone like Marie Sole at Oceana in Hull not FS but damb good. Of course I like them over 25 and I like them a little exotic, and like them to be sexual and intense. I am waiting to see Baby next week her add popped up on e-c she is from Calgary and sounds very adventurous. I have always been curious about Kimberly tried to book a few times but never could coordinate when she was doing in calls.


    Good luck and let us now how it worked out.

  6. If your annual budget for this entertainment were 1million than you would have to get 100 girls a week at $200 per hour, at 5K you still get 2 a week and you can expect 1st class entertainment! Last year in the US @ 26,000 people earned more than 10 million that's a decent target market. Unfortunately my budget is more in 150 range if I go twice a week.

  7. WIth VV's latest return to ec I have to comment, I did her last fall when she did her first rate reduction (introduced half hour rates) and I was very happy I did. She was as advertised Full GFE including DATY BBBJ 69 Digits and as an added bonus she is a squirter! If you have never had the experience of a beautiful woman gushing (at least a cup full!) at your hands and tongue than give yourself the treat. It does not hurt that she has a hard body and enthusiastic personality, this woman loves sex and is not shy. And at the new price is a crazy great deal that anyone can afford, just hope there is some left for me! By the way she is not 19 so don't expect that, she is in her thirties and in great shape for a 30 something so if you like the tiny little girl type probably not for you, she is 100% woman.

  8. Hey Cowboy,

    You did say she was not FS, also when I posted this I was just looking to see if anyone new her, I did not know if she was in any trade other than modeling. Now I know she is at the barefax it may warrant a trip! For me there is no difference in a persons status be they a dancer, escort, blue collar worker, the only discrimination for me is politicians and lawyers :eek:. I am still confused as hell over the obvious competitiveness of dancers and escorts? You know the I am this but I would never do that? Maybe I am miss interpreting but it seems that some dancers think they are above escorts and likewise some escorts think they are above dancers. To me it is like an appliance sales person thinking they are better than a carpet sales person and visa versa who the hell cares, but if I need a carpet I will not go to an appliances sales person.


    "Our owner actually talked to someone in charge over there on CL and he was basicly told who is flagging the ads via a network of people and ip's."



    Hey good job getting through, I hope that the good folks at CL in San Diego keep good thoughts about our erotic service adds here in Ottawa. Maybe I should give them a call myself and ask to speak to the head honcho and congratulate him on the great job (I guess that would be Craig?)

  10. It is only a danger if you start spending money you don't have, make a budget this falls under the entertainment category and stick to it. I remember years with only one or two outings because the money was tight. Your budget will also determine the kind of date, strip clubs can be cheep if you only buy one or 2 drinks arrive before cover sometimes get a $1 or free meal and admire from a distance while playing pool or chatting at the bar. MP's are always good value less known ones can be under $ with happy ending. If you are craving someone waking up in bed next too you than change the plan completely and starting hunting for a girl friend.

  11. I did see Jenna a few weeks ago with PK and she did do a nice 10 min massage to set the mood, would give her a 7 out of 10 not very hard but it was nice. Full Service is always part of the package was 140 including cbj and 69 ymmv on the 69. Overall very sweet girl have a look at the pics on ec they are accurate.

  12. Form an SP's perspective ec makes perfect sense, I just wish there were more using it, digging around on doggy sites like cl and the like is a painful experience for the hobbiest as well as the SP. There have got to be 300-400 strippers in the Ottawa area and I would bet that at least that many women would do the deed if they only new how to get involved!

  13. My Dr. is very helpful with sex and understanding limits and dangers, he knows my life style and goes out of his way to help me however he can. If I asked for it he would give it to me (probably has a sample pack ready to through your way). Maybe I am just lucky but I do believe that medical professionals are not the bad guys, and they do know how to keep a secret.

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