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Posts posted by d*mm*y

  1. One of the topics that came up today at the lunch was the fact that a few members are rather vocal about the fact that they don't like the ladies being involved in poly events? For the life of me I cannot figrue this out, is anyone niave enough to believe that these women only see a few people? What diference is it if it is 4 guys in one day or 4 guys at the same time?


    Also I thought this group would be the last ones being judgmental about someones sexual preferences? As I see it non of us are out celebrating on the streets about our sexual choices, when was the last time you were in a meeting at work and mention in casual conversation that you see escorts? However here is a place that you express your irregular sexual habits and compare notes, why would you condem someone for having a slightly different fantasy than you??? 2 ladies and one guy always seems popular and has not gathered the scorn of cerbites, why is 3 ladies and 6 guys or 4 guys and a lady etc... any different? Please help me understand because at this point I just think there are some stupid and ignorant people on this board. I am sure there is a good reason I just have not discovered it yet.


    BTW the biggest poly group I have been in is sitting in perverts row with 50 other guys watching a lady undress on stage, does not get much more poly than that.

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  2. BTW Suri I am sorry that your thread has been hijacked by this stupidity. I believe you tried the dancing thing when you left the business a few months ago so I am sure you have already made up your mind about it. Many of the fine independents here started their career with an agency and worked that way for the first 3-6 months it is not a bad idea until you learn the ropes. However I have heard many horror stories about the wrong agencies!! And at this point if you could just book all the people that have pm'd you I am sure you would make tuition plus a bit!!

  3. SA you have the wrong view of the strip club trying spending 15 minutes in the change room. I was married to a Dancer, she became a feature because she could not deal with the girls. I have dated many dancers and it is not the "show" that you see out front as a customer.


    Some women thrive in the strip club environment, however it is just as dangerous (different dangers) and just as demoralizing as being an escort. It is just as difficult making friends outside of the industry and just as difficult to tell your family. To think for one second that it easier is very foolish, and think it is offensive to strippers. Some women are much happier being service providers, and in very rare cases some women can comfortably go between both.


    The reality is that in today's society very few women can actually deal with the stresses and difficulties of either and most realize the sex industry just si not for them.


    SA you fantasy at the strip club is shining through, after being married to one and dating a few of them there is no way I want to go a strip club because I know the coal mine that they are for the ladies.

  4. Why do you want to pay an agency? I think you can get a ton business and just keep it for yourself, the agencies don't do anything other than make you work 2x harder for the same money?


    If you must have an agent Erin says great things about Ottawa Play Girls.


    If you just want a crash course in getting started come to lunch on Thursday and we will get you started.

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  5. Hey all if any of you are curious about the Poly group and want to see who is around come to the Lunch on Thursday, it is a social event in a safe restaurant so no one will make you have sex or anything :). Ladies it is a great chance to meet some of the active members of cerb and do a little marketing. Ladies lunches and drinks are paid for by the group.

  6. Try Swiss Pasty on Richmond across from the new supper store, ask for the pressure brewed coffee and drool all over the glass looking at those amazing locally produced by real pastry chef pastries!!! It just does not get any better the Jalapeno Chocolate pastries at Christmas were amazing!! And the hand made truffles are outstanding!


    Just try it.

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