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Everything posted by CMJ

  1. This gorgeous woman will be joining us at CMJ :)
  2. No it wasn't altered - you can view it from multiple sources. Ever wonder why our domestic policies are the exact same as other countries, or why so many countries around the world have the same issues? What do they have in common? They are all victims of global policies - ie: IMF, WTO, World Bank etc. We have given our sovereignty away slowly to globalist and their globalist agenda. I hate to sound conspiratorial but if the New World Order conspiracy is about a one world government, a one world currency, a world army and a micro-chipped population that they can control everything aspect of our lives... and you look at the changes in the world since 1900 - well it doesn't sound so crazy after all. I doubt the European countries thought that they would have the Euro, I doubt we imagined RFID chips and biometric technology being used in passports, drivers licences, bank cards etc. Look at the UN and NATO and how many sovereign countries governments we have over thrown - the school of the Americas and the horrible things they have done - look at all the trillions of dollars that have been wasted on violence and destruction rather then peace and prosperity. Human are loving and compassionate beings when we aren't put in a situation to fight for the basic necessities of life (food, clean water, shelter etc). I believe we would have peace if greed and corruption wasn't rampant around the world. 2/3 of the worlds population lives on less the 2 dollars a DAY but yet our disgusting government wastes millions of dollars on fake lakes and lining their own pockets. Materialism and waste is programed into our day to day life - look at how CRAPPY things are manufactured these days - they are made to last for awhile and then break down so we have to buy buy buy buy buy buy more. Our food is rampant with hormones, antibiotics, processed, artificial flavours etc and our environment is polluted with carcinogens, toxins, etc and we wonder why cancer and other disease is an epidemic? We wonder why the trees are dying and the bees are disappearing... we wonder why why why ....... the answer is in front of us - its time for people to start waking up and taking back our countries all around the world. Has anyone watched the Zeitgeist documentaries? there is 3 of them now.
  3. I say we give the NDP and the Green's a shot at running the country - neither has had an opportunity yet. The NDP's got a bad rap in Ontario cause ray asked people to take a day off - those people all lost their jobs under Harris - a day off doesn't look that bad compared to losing your job. I find it HILARIOUS that now Bob Ray is a LIBERAL - he single handedly ruined the NDP's reputation in Ontario and now is a liberal... wow. Honestly, these elitist pigs have made a mockery out of our democracy and are laughing at how stupid we are cause we keep begging for more abuse - higher taxes, less social programs, crappier "sick care" system, a pathetic public education system, ridiculously high post-secondary education with a low guaranteed job after, and worst of all - the continuous selling off of OUR natural resources to foreign countries like the USA and China. So, what are you gonna do? Continue the insanity by allowing our 2 party system (the illusion of choice and difference) to keep tossing the power back between the two of them, or are we gonna finally have the change we deserve and a party in power that actually serves the average Canadian and that will respect mother nature and protect our future needs for our natural resources? I encourage everyone to read up on the Green Party's platform and find out what they are about... since they are not allowed to participate in the leaders debate. I find that disgusting - a party with a Candidate in every riding in this country (more so then other parties) and yet they are denied an opportunity to be heard by the national audience. Canadian's should be outraged and should ask WHY? If you have children or grandchildren, you really need to start waking up and ask yourself what is happening to our country and every other country around the world. We are being ruled by global elitists that have a global agenda and guess what?? they don't give 2 shits about Canadian citizens or our future. Ever find it odd that Steven Harpers speeches are the exact same as other leaders speeches? Maybe because they are being written by the same people... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8YwJC_nBgw Anyways, anyone who knows me knows I get very passionate about these talks...
  4. Mingle Mangle this Saturday - Ladies, please come on out, get a free membership to CMJ with the purchase of a couples ticket. Gentleman - thinking about joining CMJ? Come see what all the fuss is about and call us now to reserve a seat at the show. Discounted memberships with the purchase of a ticket. Call now
  5. Doing my best - looking for strategic partners and investors in case you know any one. Ella has started up in Vancouver so its happening - slowly but surely... Niki will hopefully be back (not at CMJ, but in Canada) in October !!! She and I have stayed in touch and she is doing very well.
  6. A legend in her own right - wish her all the best in her future endeavorers.
  7. why wasn't it busy? Location? lack of talent?
  8. My thoughts go out to everyone involved and affected by this tragedy. First Chloe from Toronto found dead in a ditch now this... very very sad, I don't think clients were involved in either case, usually jealous boyfriends or possessive pimps and managers. Be careful ladies and get out of any relationship at the first moment you encounter abusive behavior. Women are so special and deserve only the most immaculate treatment from our male counter parts always. What a shame...
  9. Yes all of your questions will be answered during an orientation. Not all CERB members are members of CMJ so its really not the best avenue for you to be getting answers. Also, like suggested by other CERBites, using the search button will render alot of what you are desiring to know. Club Madellyn Jae should not being discussed whatsoever in the escort section as we are not SP's or escorts. Thanks.
  10. Ah yes... that's old news (over 18 months now) - but didn't know it was blogged - cool. I am not really that interesting nor does the story talk about anything that already isn't well known. But thanks for bringing it up :)
  11. May I suggest coming in for an orientation if you have questions about CMJ, not everyone on here is a member - thanks you hope to see you soon,
  12. Yes she has retired. If she ever decides to do another guest appearance, I will let you know.
  13. Agreed - Eve at Paradise is great (Im biased though... cause I personally trained her :)) Glad to see she is now with a great group at Paradise. And of course, CMJ Trinity is just absolutely amazing. Stunning body, smart as a whip, university educated and an outstanding dancer. Yet at the same time she is laid back and loves to laugh.
  14. Club Madellyn Jae offers a Nuru experience - we even have the fancy chair !!
  15. Malibu, Kelly, Trinity, Geri and Alex of CMJ meet your requirements. Samantha is also a great choice if you like a full body rather then a skinny minni
  16. Thank you - minor correction in the spelling in her name - it's Shara, not Sarah !!
  17. I remember when I first came to Ottawa in August of 2004, the fact that I joined people in the shower was basically a new thing in Ottawa... same with the bodyslide... same with having a website... now, lots of people/businesses do/have these things.
  18. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27108&highlight=Trinity
  19. the website says it all - www.touchofeuphoria.com if you have specific questions, please PM me and I will answer them directly... I am the owner of TOE and CMJ Jasmin
  20. That is disgusting, however, baby oil is equally as disgusting in my opinion - it is petroleum based...
  21. CMJ


    sadly not that I am aware of...
  22. If this is the same Yuki that used to work with Jasmin back in the day, I can contest that she is an absolute doll and very good at what she does... we would be so lucky if she ever decided to return... hint hint nudge nudge... tell her Jasmin misses her next time anyone sees her.. lol.
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