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Everything posted by BigPoppa

  1. Anyone take her to the CR? Whats the mileage like
  2. How is it even possible for mileage at Barbs...the DJ is right there. Its like the most open CR I've ever seen
  3. Has anyone taken Isabella from barefax for a dance in the CR? Whats the mileage like with her?
  4. What about Brianna at Pigale's. How's the mileage like with her in the CR
  5. Whatever happened to her. she was nice..amazing infact
  6. Back in January there used to be this sexy ebony dancer named Star who worked at barefax. I used to see her and Amina from barefax hanging out all the time there. Does anyone know where Star works now and what she calls herself? Thanks
  7. No I haven't...actually I don't even know who she is. who is she?? where is her pics and stuff
  8. I'm a newb...what is CL?? what does it stand for and who has the link for it??? thanks
  9. other than triple a is there anywhere else in ottawa with full service or extras?
  10. which massage places in Ottawa offer extra services that you'd find at Triple A spa? I don't want to go to triple a because of the price.
  11. oooooohhh ok. yeah i kinda figured that was her. which club does she dance for? never seen her at barefax before
  12. thing is i tried sheridan back when she was with AAB so I know her pictures aren't fake thats really her.
  13. thats what i'm thinking...not sure though. anyone tried lilly for naughty or nice? if she is pk kaitlyn then I will definately try to see her
  14. anybody know what happened to her? I'd like to see her again. She kinda looks like lilly from naughty or nice but i don't think thats her.
  15. whenever I call their number nobody picks up. goes straight to answering machine. does they even still exist i was hoping for sheridan
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