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Everything posted by easyrider

  1. Of course we remember you. Hope you are doing well. Let us know if you are planning a visit.
  2. Based on first hand experience, she is legit and definitely worth seeing.
  3. She's legit. She previously advertised on BP as Princess Peyton. A worthwhile experience.
  4. I've saw her a few months back - PM me if you would like more info.
  5. She was absolutely fabulous - one of my all time favorites. I think about her all the time
  6. I have seen as well and concur with Danny. A pleasant experience - I would repeat.
  7. Lily Love and Alycat - Oh the memories!!!
  8. If you do an image search, it doesn't look good.
  9. She's reviewed on another board as Miss South Shore.
  10. Did a quick check on TinEye - doesn't look promising Joe.
  11. Pretty clear from the pics - one's a B the other DD, not to mention the tatts.
  12. I'd appreciate any feedback as well
  13. She is real and was very well reviewed last year on this site when she was known as Melissa and advertised in Le Droit.
  14. I'd appreciate any intel as well
  15. I saw here a few months back. Pics are accurate, but service was not as advertised. PM me if you want more details.
  16. Judy is with Moonbay - the can be found in the ads section of Lyla. Although I've never seen Judy, I have generally had good experiences with Moonbay. Pics usually Photoshoped but give you a good idea of what if offered.
  17. Sylvia is reviewed here. https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=199771
  18. Lidia is legit, pics are definitely her. The ones with her wearing black & white are the most recent. Very pretty and youthful looking for 38 - excellent service. I would certainly recommend.
  19. She's baaack!!! Definitely worth visiting. http://ottawa.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/prettyand-petite-gorgeous-xtremely-openminded-new-pics-highly-reviewed-613-883-5536/28189360
  20. How about Tia? She's well reviewed here. http://ottawa.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sexysultrytia-afro-carribean-girl-next-door-real-and-recent-pics-top-qualitygreat-review/25696360
  21. Does anyone have any intel on Karla? Ad looks interesting, but I'm a little skeptical. Please PM me if you knw anything http://ottawa.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/karla-new-downtown-fun-and-independent-special-thursday/19961487
  22. I saw Stephania earlier today and the experience was memorable - truly GFE. She is a beautiful young woman with a flawless body. A definite repeat. Don't miss out, she is only here for another week.
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