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Everything posted by no_couth

  1. Hey there?I?m kind of new to the board. I haven?t posted a lot, but this topic is dear to my heart. Although officially if anyone asked me, I?d advise never to splash in the work pool, I have to admit I?ve always had a problem in practice with this. I have worked a number of jobs over the years. I was in the military, worked as a chef, and now work in sales. I don?t recall ever having a job where I didn?t sleep with a female co-worker. I was 19 in the forces, in great shape, and when you?re away from home for months at a time barracks turn into breeding grounds. In the restaurant business?there?s always an overly horny university student working as a server?a few drinks at a party?the next thing you know. LOL Most recently, about 18 months ago, I got involved with a girl where I work, I?m in my 30?s, she?s early 20?s. We went out for drinks on a Friday, one thing led to another and we?re in her apartment making out. Now I know she had a BF but what do I care right. Well, I?m going down on her, she lived on the ground floor of this building, and had kind of a patio. Next thing you know, there?s a knock on the patio door outside her room?then in her window(the lights were on!). Then the text messages start flying while he?s standing outside. Obviously she refused to answer or acknowledge she was home. It went on for 25 mins or so. The funny thing is you?d think it would kill the mood..but no. Once he left, we banged the whole night. I almost got fired when this whole thing came out, luckily the big boss didn?t know, and she has since moved on.
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